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Friday, February 15th, 2019 7:16 PM

Totally lied too and won't stand behind written notes, loyalty department said yes it's wrong sorry

Very very upset with the so called loyalty department. I set up service a few years back and was offered  an upgrade on internet due to fiber being in the area. I said sure I will try it and they said great you are gurrenteed this rate for life as it says in the picture of my account. (Clearly  stated) I asked what if I cancel tv down the road they say no problem it's a separate promotion.


Fast forward to now and I call to cancel my tv and I was told my internet goes up to 119, I said no that shouldn't be the case and the rep says your right I need to transfer you to loyalty for them to do it. The I get Katie mp9044 on the line she tells me, yes I see what's there but we can't honer that as that does not exist anymore, offers me the 90 for one year. I say no as that's not what I was told and that's not what's written here. She than says I can give you basic tv and keep the promo so it's 90 a month for the year only. I say then credit me for a while to make up for the blatent lie that I was told and have proof for. Than states it was a bundled promotion and I said that's not how I wanted it or is that written anywhere. She says no but I'm telling you that. I kindly remark that words obviously don't matter here as I was told something when I switched as well along with it in writing. She says no I don't qualify for a credit. What I don't qualify for a credit when I everything I was told and am reading is wrong. She says no sorry. I ask for supervisor she say no there are none and I am your last option. 


She than comes back with a credit of $70. I say that doesn't even make up for a year of price difference, she says I know but that's all I'm willing to offer and says do you want to cancel everything? I say no I just want what I signed up for and what I have proof for. She again says sorry can't do it and just cause it says lifetime it doesn't mean it. 


I very very reluctantly say fine about the 70 and basic tv and say my bill will be 90 plus taxes and no other fee as far as any equipment that I have she says yes that's correct. Then after another 5 minutes comes back and tell me the same and than says to send my other boxes back.  I said I literally just asked you about the fees on equipment and you told me there are none as you don't pay for them now. She says I was wrong and I am sorry. I said you need to fix that she says I apologized and that's all I am willing to do. I said this was a waste of an hour of my time and leave it as is untill I find another provider or get someone who will actually do what was promised. I will get posting this everywhere if it's not fixed. 



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