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JohnD212's profile

1 Message

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 11:04 PM

Weird Wifi Issue

Hi,  I have the Fiber Gigabyte connection and haven't had any problems until a few months ago.  Suddenly my connection via Wifi was almost impossible to use. It would drop me constantly.  I know my main network has 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz.  I went into my router and created a "Guest" network which is only 2.4Ghz and to my surprise everything on that network seemed fine.  I am trying to get back to using my main network that has both 5 and 2.4 but it just won't stay connected.  My devices that use Wifi are set to use both my main and my Guest network. If I connect to them with my main more often than not it will kick me to the Guest network after a few minutes to an hour. If I force it to forget the Guest network the devices will toggle between Wifi and Cellular until it finally just kicks me out to Cellular.  I would like to be able to use the network that has both 5 and 2.4 but it's not shifting itself from 5 to 2.4 or staying connected very well.  I called ATT and got no where so I'm on here looking for suggestions before I call them back.

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

4 days ago

AT&T gateways can have lots of issues when it comes to WiFi, especially band steering.  Using the Guest Network for the 2.4GHz devices is a good idea but I'd change the name (SSID) to something else and assign it its own password totally separate from your primary network, and then point your 2.4GHz devices to that. That should work fine for those devices and your other devices can use the primary network.

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