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TimHuether's profile

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12 Messages

Thursday, June 22nd, 2023 6:11 PM

Yard Damage last year still not repaired

My property was damaged by ATT August 2022.  I have had many Report/Ticket numbers given to me but ATT never calls me back or fixes the damage.  The last Ticket number of PK4Z9V23 was given to me on 5/10/23.  Again, no response.  I called Customer Service for roughly the fifteenth time June, 20 hoping I could email ATT and explain what happened and send pictures of the damage and was told I would get a call from a supervisor within a day, but still no call.  

During one of my 15 calls, I was told I should lie and say I am an ATT customer and maybe I would get better service.  I was an ATT customer before, but don’t ever plan on being one again after such poor customer service.

Please repair my backyard as soon as possible as erosion keeps making the damage worse.  What started out at about 100 square yards of erosion is now two to three times as much.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

1 year ago

We're sorry to see that your yard hasn't been repaired yet, TimHuether.


We recommend calling the Telco Repair Group at 866-410-7414 to discuss having the repair completed. They and Sedgwick (who can be contacted at www.mysedgwick.com) are the ones who will be able to help you find a resolution.


If you need assistance in the future, we'll be here.


Thank you for visiting the AT&T Community Forums.


Aminah, AT&T Community Specialist

New Member


12 Messages

1 year ago

Another ATT customer service failure.  The number you told me to contact, 866-410-7414, is no longer in service.

ATT damaged my yard almost a year ago and should contact the correct people to get it fixed.  I have contacted ATT over 15 times with no results and many hours of wasted time and frustration.

Ticket PK4Z9V23 and all of the other ticket numbers I have received from ATT over the last year have all my information with address and phone number.

Please contact the correct people and repair my yard.

New Member


12 Messages

1 year ago

Phone number ATT provided is no longer in service and the Sedgwick website ATT provided needs a claim number.  Ticket PK4Z9V23 does not work.

I received an email saying I should “Accept Solution to your post.”  There still has not been a solution to ATT damaging my yard in almost a year!

Please find a solution.

New Member


12 Messages

1 year ago

Still waiting for help.

New Member


12 Messages

1 year ago

Please help.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

1 year ago

Hello @TimHuether, we will be glad to provide additional assistance regarding your yard damage claim.


Claims against AT&T are handled through Sedgwick, our third party administrator. 


To file a new claim

Call AT&T at 1-800-288-2020 and let any agent know that you’d like to file a new claim against AT&T. They will ask you some incident-related questions. Once the claim is submitted, you will be provided with a claim number. 


To track an existing claim

If you were provided with a claim number by an AT&T representative and you haven't heard anything back in 2 business days, you can go to www.mysedgwick.com and register as a new user using your submitted claim number. You can continue to check the site for claim updates and also contact your Sedgwick adjuster. 


For damage to yards, plants, or bushes, please call the BWIRE group at 

  • 800.924.9420, prompt 2.
  • Hours: 7:30 am - 6 pm ET (Monday - Friday).
  • If you are not an AT&T customer, then call the Telco Repair Group at 866.410.7414.
  • Email: bwire@att.com.

Our article on property damage claims provides information on how to file a claim, as well as how to follow up on the claim.


If you need additional assistance, feel free to reach out. Thank you for being a part of the AT&T Community Forums.


Amon, AT&T Community Specialist.



New Member


12 Messages

1 year ago

  • If you are not an AT&T customer, then call the Telco Repair Group at 866.410.7414.

I am not an AT&T customer and I keep getting told to call this number for help getting my yard repaired but this number is no longer in service.  I mentioned that this number is not in service a few posts ago.

New Member


12 Messages

1 year ago

And please don't tell me once again to call Telco Repair at 248-489-8607 as this number also does not work.  The voicemail at this number says the mailbox is full and I can't leave a message.

Since it has been a year of wrong customer service answers by AT&T, AT&T should find and call the correct number and get the repairs scheduled.  All of my information such as address, phone number, and explanation of damage is on Ticket #PK4Z9V23.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

1 year ago

Hello @TimHuether, we understand how important it is for you to be able to reach out to the correct team regarding your property damage claim. 


If you have tried the 866-410-7414 number and it is not going through, please call 800-924-9420, and choose prompt 2. You can also send the team an email at bwire@att.com.


Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forums.


Amon, AT&T Community Specialist.


New Member


12 Messages

1 year ago

I called 800-924-9420, and chose prompt 2, the customer service rep forwarded me on and told me to say the word "repair."  I was then told to Reboot my Gateway.  I am now back at the beginning of this infinite loop once again.

Please, please, please help!

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