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Get superfast AT&T Fiber internet
brook5280's profile

2 Messages

Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 11:14 PM


ATT botched my Fiber Install and won't fix it for a week

We upgraded our ATT service to Fiber today.  Our internet worked great yesterday. After the Fiber it now does not work and they say they cannot get someone out here for 2 full days.  So I am supposed to go without internet for 2 days when i have my entire home smart-wired?  My lights don't work, my toddler won't sleep without his music, and worst of all I WORK FROM HOME.  

In what world is it acceptable to leave a paying customer without internet when the tech is the one responsible for the problem?  

My husband is now buying a backup Verizon service that we are strongly considering permanently switching to.  So now upgrading to Fiber will cost us Time off work, headaches of dealing with poor customer service, and $35 per month for a backup internet service.  


ACE - Professor


5.9K Messages

6 months ago

You are paying for residential service. So no priority to fix. 2 days is actually pretty fast. If you work entirely from home you should have a back up service.  

Wired or wireless connections? Have you unplugged the gateway, confirmed that all cables are fully seated in the gateway? Plugged the gateway back in? Factory reset the gateway?

ACE - Professor


5.7K Messages

6 months ago

Any troubleshooting should be done with a single wired computer to the gateway.  I like the idea of factory resetting the gateway to make sure starting with a known good configuration.  It is NOT Att’s responsibility to fix home network issues.  They offer access to 3rd party services for that.  

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

6 months ago


Having an issue with new service is a valid complaint. However, having to wait 2 days not so much. They are not firefighters where the bell goes off and they rush immediately. They don't have techs assigned to their own personal customer and living right next to them. There are thousands of customers and only so many techs with appointments that are already scheduled.

So 2 days is a quick turnaround. If it is imperative that your toddler have music, then consider a standalone music system (radio, soothing sound system, digital music player that you load a playlist on, etc.). As for your lights don't work....do you not have light switches?

2 Messages

6 months ago

Accepting subpar service from a company like AT&T only enables their lax approach to customer care. When a service provider causes an issue, as in this case where they disrupted a previously functional setup, it's reasonable to expect a prompt and effective resolution. Their failure to promptly fix the problem they caused is not just inconvenient; it's a breach of the trust and contract we, as customers, have with them.

The argument that waiting two days for a technician is 'quick' misses the point. The issue here isn't about regular service delays; it's about the urgency needed when a provider's action directly results in a complete loss of service. This isn't a minor inconvenience; it's a significant disruption, especially for those of us reliant on internet for work and essential home functions.

Moreover, suggesting the need for backup systems like separate internet connections or music players is a workaround for a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place. Customers shouldn't have to bear the burden of a provider's inadequacies. If AT&T is unable to meet the demand, then they need to address this at their end, perhaps by increasing their technician workforce. 

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

6 months ago

Getting a tech within 2 days (which is NOT a week as you claimed in your topic) is rather prompt for any internet company. You don't have your own personal tech on speed service and are not considered more important than any other customer.

There certainly times when I have issue with AT&T, be it policy decisions, issues with customer service, or any ongoing problems. But to throw a fit about having to wait 2 days (and again 2 days does not equal a week) is absurd.

And if something is so important that you cannot live without, then you get a backup or redundancy to protect yourself. If you cannot take care of your child or turn on lights without a computer system doing it for you all the time, then there are other issues that no company can fix for you.

Increase their workforce? You don't magically make new techs appear out of thin air. They have to be qualified and to actually apply. Beyond that, since the pandemic many companies have seen a tech shortage by both those calling out more often as a precaution (or actually testing positive) or finding other work where they don't have to be near customers. It is a change in the world that is not reverting back any time soon (if ever).

This "complaint" goes beyond the response of "1st world problems".


Former Employee


22.5K Messages

6 months ago

You had an existing ATT copper service (yesterday) and upgraded to fiber (today), was the service working when the tech left?

Or was there an issue with the fiber requiring the tech to create a work order for an outside line tech to repair the fiber? Service not working when tech left?

Two different issues with two different types of tech needing to be requested…

2 Messages

3 months ago

I get why you're upset. Losing internet, especially when you work from home, is a big pain. Here's what you can do: First, try to talk to AT&T and explain your situation. Ask for a supervisor or see if they can offer a temporary solution like a mobile hotspot. Check if there are any outages in your area on AT&T's website or social media. You can also try troubleshooting on your own using their guides. Here are some links that might help. Since you're unhappy with AT&T's service, it's understandable that you're considering Verizon. Before you switch, compare their plans and prices to find the best fit for you. Hopefully, your internet gets fixed soon without needing an extra backup service.


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