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dallas208's profile



4 Messages

Friday, September 14th, 2018 4:57 PM

extremely problematic fiber install, billing, and wire burial

-Contacted AT&T to move internet from apartment to new house in May

-Was told fiber would be installed in new house with no increase in monthly fee (did not even ask for fiber)

-Took 5 visits for technicians to install fiber internet (technicians lied that existing DVRs/router were not compatible and backorder - they were compatible)

-2-3 hour phone calls x 3 in the process to get fiber line installed; was promised no increase in monthly charge, especially in light of extreme hassle of install; phone reps had to manually apply promotions

-First bill: ALL PROMOTIONS REVERSED and added to bill, putting amount $90 above agreed upon total

-Second bill: charges continue to be $50 above agreed upon total

-Fiber line burial set 7/5/18; text reminders 7/13, 7/25, 8/2, 8/9, 8/17, and 8/24 all indicating burial date not met and to be rescheduled; finally texts stopped after 8/24

-Found burial center number via this forum: kind burial rep is looking into this and provides escalation number (the third escalation number I have been assigned in this process)

-Adding insult to injury, my house is in an urban area 4 miles an AT&T national downtown headquarters and I get "No Service" on my cell AT&T cell phone in my front yard; status post MarkTheSpot x 5 app submissions


How do I get the attention of the right people to get the billing right, get compensated for this terrible hassle, and get the kind of service that should be expected for a large urban area?

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Hello @dallas208,


To fully assist with this issue further, we will need to look over your account in more detail.

I am sending you a private message (PM) to help in this matter. Please check your forums private messages by clicking the Forums Inbox. Locate the PM from ATTCares and reply to my message with your specific account details.

I look forward to your response and the opportunity to help you! 

Rury,  AT&T Community Specialist



4 Messages

6 years ago

The burial crew (third party company) came today relatively promptly. With aggressive warnings from me regarding the location of sprinker lines, pool plumbing, and the gas line in the backyard, they safely buried a new fiber cable. However, apparently the first cable that was laid was "temporary" and so another technician is going to have to come (they said "tomorrow") and actually hook up the new cable they buried. My service was not interrupted because they left the temporary cable connected.


They did not tell me a time for the technician coming "tomorrow" (Sunday). I had trouble understanding them and forgot to ask what time. So, yet another day of my life I need to be waiting for AT&T.


Also, they randomly left a spool of cable (100+ feet?) on the grass in my front yard without explanation. I only noticed when they drove away. I took it back and left it next to the AT&T box.



4 Messages

6 years ago

No technician arrived to hook up the "new" line and remove the "temporary" line yesterday despite asking the burial crew to repeat their statement about this over and over again. Another no-show an waste of time. Called the burial team phone center and it appeared they had no record of a pending job on my account. The phone rep is investigating.



4 Messages

6 years ago

The burial center created a new "cross-cut" (or something like that) request. I told the rep I could not be home until 4:30 pm. She created a 4-8 window for the service explaining I would get a call before the tech arrived. The tech called at 3:30, being unwilling to wait until 4, and started working in the alley. I rushed home from work (ugh) and met the tech in my driveway so I could let him through to the fenced backyard. He took care of attaching the new buried cable. He was surprised I had been through so much hassle. He also admitted to misreading his request for the service call and actually he was not supposed to come before 4 pm even though he only works the morning shift that ends at 4 pm. I am not sure how real working human beings are supposed to deal with this nonsense but I am glad it is done and working.


The private message from the AT&T rep has not been helpful so far. All they offered was to disconnect fiber and downgrade to internet 100 to get the rate I was initially promised on the phone.

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