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2 Messages

Friday, January 12th, 2018 5:29 PM

fiber optic cable installation in my neighborhood

I would like details about the installation of fiber optic cable in my neighborhood and any problems that occurred.


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2.7K Messages

6 years ago

Hi @Powellpj,


Before any major construction, we leave a door tag on all houses effected by the construction with the details and contact information. If you have any questions or run into any problems, always feel free to call that number.


David, AT&T Community Specialist



1 Message

6 years ago

The door tag has no # number written in. They’re installing an above ground line as I write this note. We aren’t having it installed. Is it really bright yellow and on a pulley hanging down from another cable? So far, that’s what we have ‘adorning’ our backyard sky-view. 😕




1 Message

6 years ago

the apartment complex where i reside had requested to have fiber optic cable installation for the complex

they came to my apartment drilled holes in my floor and cut a hole in my wall and have yet to be back.  

they moved my furniture and said they would be back in an hour.  it's been 3 hours now.  i need my room back the way it was.  there is a reason why i use Spectrum.  AT&T is not like it used to be

This is riduculous.



3 Messages

6 years ago

I got the door tag about installing fiber optic cable.  The delivery guy was wearing the required glow in the dark jacket but nothing identifying him as an ATT employee.  I read the card and called the number.  The man who's name is on the card answered but without identifying himself as an ATT employee.  A week later another guy wearing the same jacket and no ATT ID announced he needed to get to the pole in my backyard.  There have been incidents in my community lately making some to worry who's going in the back yard.  A guy did climb the pole and another was standing on the wall of my neighbor's property sending the wire to the pole.  All seemed ok with me  till my neighbor called frantic wanting to know who was on her wall and did I have info.  I told her all I knew but she called the police anyway.  They worked out of an unmarked white truck.  Here's my complaint.  ATT should be letting the community know if they are contract workers;  they should all wear ATT ID of some kind that can be seen from the doorway.  What is ATT thinking?  Obviously, not about the fear factor.  



4 Messages

6 years ago

AT&T fiber optic cable was installed on my street in Evansville, IN during the last several months. They dug numerous holes, some very large, and left them all open for several weeks while they went off to do five other jobs. When they finished, they did not repair any of the grass or landscaping they had repeatedly promised would be restored to just as before. The surveyor's iron pin marking the corner of my lot was completely removed by them. A had to pay $500 to have a professional surveyor confirm the pin was gone, locate the corner again and place a new pin. By the way, I am informed that it is a violation of Indiana criminal law to remove a surveyor's pin.  I would like reimbursement for all my ground repair and survey costs. Please tell me how to contact AT&T for this. Thank you.



4 Messages

6 years ago

I want to add to my information above that I never received any doorhanger or other written or verbal information about the installation other than what little I was told on the few occasions that I walked out and asked them questions.  



3 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks. It was all accomplished in a couple of visits. No one stole my
patio furniture so I guess it was on the up and up. 🙂 Whatever was done
did not affect my reception so I guess there's nothing more to do.



3 Messages

6 years ago

I have no idea how to collect or even try to complain. Don't give up
calling, emailing and being annoying as possible. The old adage, the
squeaky wheel gets the oil, might prevail.



6 Messages

6 years ago

Crews marked the yards in our neighborhood 2 1/2 weeks ago and AT&T hasn't started the work.  No one can mow their yards because there is so many flags in the yard.  I currently have 63 flags.  I called the 800# and ask when the work would start and was told "I don't know".  I asked who I could call to find out and she said I called the right number but she didn't know.  I then asked about the irrigation lines in my yard and if they marked those or if I needed to worry about that.  Again, "I don't know".  What the heck?  She said "if it gets broken I can give you the number to call".  I just hung up on her at that point.  Is there ANYONE that can answer these questions?  This is absolutely ridiculous.  I wouldn't buy an AT&T product ever again if this is the way they handle customer service.  RIDICULOUS.



4 Messages

6 years ago

What was the toll-free number you were given? I never received any information from ATT, so I don't even have a number to call. No one from ATT had the decency to respond to my complaint posted further above. I would be glad if anyone can provide a number for me to call at ATT.


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