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3 Messages

Thursday, January 4th, 2024 10:20 PM

General expected timeline of fiber rollout completion in a neighborhood?

I know these questions usually end up with a vague 'when its done' kind of answer and I understand the reasons why. However I'm hoping that possibly I can get some further details for my neighborhood's buildout.

Here's a general timeline:


August 2022 we had a PFP installed next to the main VRAD in our neighborhood. Currently we have bonded VDSL service with 100/20 plans available.

 Jan 2023 we had a temp sign placed on the main road of our neighborhood from a subcontractor stating they were in process of installing fiber optic lines

Around summer-ish 2023 about half our neighborhood is able to order fiber service from AT&T.

Come around Sept/Oct, more activity is taking place with consistent work installing fiber conduit in our backyards. In fact a direct neighbor of mine within literal spitting distance from my back window was one of those and looks like this work has been scattered everywhere. All of this does appear to be AT&T specific as the city's own ticketing system shows ATT bury work orders here.

Briefly talked to one of the contractors around the time of this latest work and was told they've been pushed to complete our neighborhood soon but didn't give any further specifics.

Holidays come around, obviously time off to spend with family and all.


With how rapid the recent progress was, I'm curious if there's any way to figure out how soon they plan to complete the work to being able to actually order service. So far I haven't seen actual fiber run in our half of the neighborhood, just the orange conduits. Adjacent houses out to the main street look like they've been completed.

This is in Columbus, Ohio on the NE side. Zip 43231. I can provide more distinct info if needed.

This is mostly a curiosity and honestly just itching to finally have fiber service available here. I totally understand if there's not much info to provide on this. Thanks either way!

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

6 months ago

How big is the neighborhood?

The fact about half of the neighborhood can already order fiber service strongly suggest your not a part of that deployment or PFP as normally no addresses are turned green for ordering until all outside work is completed.

Therefore start looking for a different PFP, may be one or two blocks away or half mile or more away.

Some generally steps is

* placement of PFP

* fiber from CO to PFP

* underground conduit boring, trenching placed

* fiber pulled through conduit

* fiber pedestal or green handhold placed

* fiber tether / terminals placed

* fiber splicing at PFP

* fiber splitters placed and activated (DEG?)

* limited testing of work completed

* addresses entered in database for ordering

* mass mailings, phone calls, 3rd party sales force going door to door.

* existing ATT customers are generally notified a few weeks before non customers in my experience 

* first weeks (3 to 5) have a lot of techs (vehicles in neighborhood) performing installs then slows down about 2-3 months, this is when I would recommend ordering service as a lot of fiber drops to be buried with potential of cutting

lines due to higher volume.

The more addresses to be provided for (60 to 800+) will have the biggest impact, next is aerial from poles is 3 times faster being deployed than underground services. My estimate 4 to 8 months or April to August 2024.



3 Messages

6 months ago

The neighborhood isn't super big. Rough estimate is around 550-ish single family houses. Typical suburban neighborhood, 1/2 acre-ish fenced in yards, etc.. Just shy of a mile from end to end.

The half of the neighborhood with service is further away from me and I'm assuming they might have their own PFP. Unsure. I know there's another VRAD over in their area. I've basically been spot checking AT&T's availability service and there appears to be a clean cutoff where the back half of the neighborhood all has 1gig+ service available while the front half where I am is limited to 100mb or less.

The VRAD/PFP mentioned in my original post is the closest and I can see it from my back yard. It's about 300ft from my house as the crow flies. I know the VRAD has serviced our address previously when this house last had AT&T service around 2012 or so. Everything is underground service here. I have not kept a close eye on any direct work on that PFP, just the orange conduits going in directly around me. Based on your list, we're at the 'underground conduit boring, trenching placed' stage. I have not seen any work pulling the actual fiber yet or anything beyond that. There've been a handful of pedestals laying on the curb right on our street while they were running conduit but no sign where those were installed if they even were.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 months ago

Hello @cr08,


Thank you for reaching out to us! We understand that you want our AT&T Fiber Internet service and, and we'd be happy to assist you with this. 


For AT&T Fiber availability please click on check availability, and enter your ZIP code/address. If on the website it shows as available, then you can order it online or call our team at 844.886.4258, and they will let you know further installation process.


You can sign up to be notified when Fiber internet service is available at your address. We'd also recommend checking out our information on when faster AT&T speeds is going to be available. 


There are a few factors that could be preventing your address to have Fiber internet service:

  1. Distance – AT&T Internet is a distance-dependent service. If you are too far away from the equipment, certain services may not be available. This means your neighbor may have service, but your home cannot. 
  2. Equipment is not available – To get service, AT&T Internet equipment has to be in the area. In some instances, it isn't. As above, this could mean a neighbor may have it, but service was not expanded to your home. We do not have information if or when it will be. If you have 1 Gig Fiber and want to upgrade to 5 Gig, please be patient with us we work to expand that footprint.
  3. The area is not built for AT&T Internet/ Fiber – some areas are not internet ready. The Community team does not have information if or when it will be since installation is factor dependent as mentioned at the top of the page. Distance and equipment can also play a factor in instances like this.
  4. Another competitor services the area - This happens from time to time but it does not mean all services are not available to you. Check out other internet options below!
  5. For some internet services, what is offered during the point of sale is an estimate. Most of the time, what is offered will be installed. To determine if service is available, our techs will perform tests beforehand and let you know of any issues.


We are continually expanding our fiber footprint to many households every day. You can sign up for a notification if it does become available in the future, please visit http://sm.att.com/202306fa. We will send you a notification via your preferred method as soon as AT&T Fiber becomes available to you.


Let us know if this helps!

For further assistance, we are always here to help!


Thank you,


AT&T Community Forum Specialist.

2 Messages

3 months ago

How about new fiber rollout in the 90220 zip code.  I see trucks all over, but no status update.  Thanks!!

New Member


3 Messages

3 months ago

I feel your pain!  You will get nothing you can network to deep within AT&T and it won't matter.  It truly is when it happens it happens even within sections of a neighborhood community.  2001 started rollout 300 feet from my house in another section and still waiting 3+ years later.  AT&T has the worst project management EVER and as such they will not make choices that make sense or execute projects in an efficient way.

The truth is they will take a decade + now that cost is the top priority in the market place.

Now on the not so negative side, my idea and request to AT&T is put together a campaign approach, providing resources at AT&T to collaborate with, similar to smaller fiber players that are expanding.  You can probably get passionate people in certain locations to help advertise the benefits of fiber and get commitments to switch all the name of competition.  I know that sounds ridiculous but it does and will work.

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