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Get superfast AT&T Fiber internet
Ethereal_Dragon's profile



15 Messages

Friday, April 12th, 2019 7:58 PM

Looking for installation equipment information

Hello all, 


I have my ATT fiber install scheduled for next week. I am looking for detailed information about the install BEFORE the tech is here so I can prepare.


  • What ONT Models are frequently Used?
  • What are the ONT rough dimensions?
  • What is the CONNECTOR TYPE on the ONTs for the fiber interface, LC, SC, etc? 
  • Single or Multi Mode Fiber?
  • What are the Gateway models frequently used (I have seen a few listed on the forums here)?


As I have done for nearly EVERY ONE of the past ATT installs, I like to have it be plug and play for the tech, less work for them, easier for me because they aren't having to go around and run a bunch of cables, etc. My PLAN is to have a piece of plywood mounted to the concrete foundation in the basement next to my 9U wall mount WAN/LAN rack. The ONT will mount to the plywood, tech will plug the fiber cable into the ONT, and the copper into the ONT as well, everything already in place and ready to go. It is just a matter of getting the proper materials and getting it set up over the next week. 





15 Messages

5 years ago


The area to the right is where I plan to mount it.

1 Attachment



15 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you so much!! This is fantastic and hit the nail on the head!! While looking at the "Alcatel-Lucent G-010 ONT" it appears it runs SIMPLEX, so if I was to get an SC to SC pair, I would have my working and back up good to go. 


Regarding the gateway, I am not sure if they are chosen by service type, but this particular one is going to be data ONLY. 


EDIT: Also, with the ONT being that small, I can just toss it in my rack no problem. I was thinking it was going to be much larger than that. 



15 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you again. The rack has active cooling fans at the vents in the tops. Quite loud and powerful, draws lots of air, should be good. I monitor temp time to time with my Raspberry Pi.

ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

5 years ago

The ENTIRE ONT is 7.5" x 4" x2" because the bracket holds the ONT and the power supply.  ONT.jpg

1 Attachment



15 Messages

5 years ago


I got my exterior box finished* up last night in the dark, and caulked. Should be ALL ready to go for tomorrow's install. 4 SC to SC fibers run from box to rack (theyare cheap, but apain to run, so I ran 2 duplex pairs) The splitter is for a dish, and will be relocated in inside the box as well. New grounded coax for that and ground wire arrived today, but weather wonallow it to be done today. I may also relocate "The other guys" handoff toinside my box, as there is a wasp nest behind theirs. Great. Currently have 2 coax for sat, 1 for existing internet, then old internet run left there for a backup. I was going to run 1 or 2 shielded cat6 out there, but was too tired and working against the clock with rain moving in  and needing to be caulked. Fingers crossed that tech doesn't have issues with this setup tomorrow, or he will be turned away.



2 Attachments

ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

5 years ago

Boy, you're braver than I would be in this situation!  I just know if 100 homes in my area were wired with SC connectors and I prepped for my installation based on that, the field tech would show up with something else and a story that AT&T made the change for some reason and that's all they carry now.


Wishing you luck!



15 Messages

5 years ago

My install went very smoothly and pretty quickly as well. On the fiber drop side, the tech was able to use an adapter to connect to my SC fiber in my cable guard box (not a telco NID, it is MINE, purchased on Amazon. He was more than happy to not install another NID box, since mine was good to go.) There was a small issue inside, as my cable is UPC SC, and the GPON is APC SC. It was correctly listed to me in a above post, but I didn't realize there was a difference with SC. I have been in networking nearly 2 decades, but on the software and configuration side, not physical plant, so this was a bit unfamiliar to me. The tech was awesome, and cut off 1 of the 3 UPC SC connectors inside and placed an APC end on it. I have found UPC to APC SC connectors so I may good around with those a bit to see if they work for my application. 


The GPON is MUCH smaller than I was expecting, barely larger than a deck of cards. It is in a temp location  at the moment, as I plan to install it into my rack in a more permanent place at some point, but I am not using it yet. I was working from home at the time of the install, and on a day-long conference call, so I couldn't just make the change then and there. I am hoping by next weekend I will have the switch completed. Speed tests to various destinations showed 800 or more mega down, full gig up, which I am more than happy with. 



Thank you to all that helped!!

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