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Ronda_Anderson's profile

1 Message

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 10:18 PM


Outside wire Installation Complaint and Customer Service complaint

I don't normally voice my complaints on the Internet. I prefer to discuss it over the phone. However, I have contacted AT&T five times by phone about my installation concerns, of which I was told twice that I would receive a supervisor call back regarding my concerns. As of today, 8/16/23, no one from AT&T has reached out to me or contacted me about my service complaint. This leaves me no other choice but to voice my complaint online. So please bear with me as I share my concerns.

On 7/20/23, my AT&T internet service went out and I contacted AT&T for assistance. The earliest a technician could arrive was on 7/25/23.  When a technician came to my house on 7/25/23 to fix the problem, I was told my AT&T wire was cut when a technician installed new service for a neighbor across the street from me. (Five days I was without my internet service, not knowing what the problem was. I am a student taking an online course and sometimes work from home, so being without internet service was an inconvenience for me.)

My AT&T fiber wires were originally installed in the front of my house. When the technician came out on 7/25/23, he installed the wire going around the entire (left & right) sides, and backyard of my house. He then extended the wire on the side of my neighbor's property and marked the wire with white paint on my neighbor's yard. I had to ask him, "Why are you marking my neighbor's yard with white paint? and why is this wire going around my entire house rather than the front as it did with the original installation?  When I explained I did not want the wire to be installed around my entire house, the technician responded "Oh, they will probably relocate the wire to the front". I had no belief or confidence in his response. (I have photos noting how the wire was placed by the technician and the white marking on my neighbor's yard. This prompted my neighbor to call me because now they think AT&T will be digging on their property which will interrupt their water pipeline. 

I called AT&T on three different occasions before the line was supposed to be buried on 8/15/23, requesting the outside wire be "relocated to the front of my yard and not on the sides of my house." I have a 2-car garage and it takes up more space on my property line.  As a result, I have less property space on the sides of my house than my two neighbors on each side of me. I wanted to avoid any type of digging going into their yard and property line. In addition, one side of my neighbor has a retainer wall and there is a default line between my property and theirs that has been sinking for some years and caving in. My concern was the wire being buried on the default line.  

On each call I was told my concern was noted and it would NOT be a problem to relocate the wire to the front of my house, and they could relocate it on the same day they bury the line. Well obvious AT&T ignored my request. A technician came to my house on Wednesday, 8/9/23  just as I was leaving for work and stated he was about to start burying the line. I asked  if he was "relocating the line to the front of my house?" The technician stated, "No. He did not get a message requesting the line to be relocated to the front of my house". He assured me that it would NOT be a problem to relocate the line to the front; however, they will need one or two other technicians to complete the relocation process since they have to go under my driveway and will return later in the week.  On Friday, 8/11/23, I woke up to the sound of drilling in my yard. A technician was burying the outside wire around my entire house (both right and left sides, and backyard). I approached the technician and explained I called about the relocation of the wire three times and spoke to a technician who came out on Wednesday. His response, "I didn't get that message." I'm thinking (Edited per community guidelines)... so AT&T has purposely ignored my request and decided on their own they are going to bury the wire around my entire house. 

So here is what occurred when he buried the wire: The wire was being buried on the faultline that is caving in. In fact, when the technician buried the line, it was basically on my neighbor's property with the retainer wall. I had to point out to him that the ground was caving in on that side due to the retaining wall and he needed to bring the wire closer to my property line (a photo attached shows two digging markings. The dig marking on the right is near the default line, and the dig marking left is closer to my property line.) He only repositioned the line at my request, but what if I was not at home to see this and catch it before he completed this process?  So if by chance something happens to the wire AT&T will have to come back to my house and replace the wiring again.

I contacted AT&T twice thereafter,  (once by phone and the other by chat) asking to speak to a supervisor. In both communications with a customer service rep, I was told that a supervisor would contact me within one hour of my call request. That was last week.  As of today, 8/16/23, no one from AT&T has contacted me to discuss my concerns with the installation. So what's next?

Former Employee


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11 months ago


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5 months ago

Complain to you local city hall/government. 

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