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lettenna's profile



18 Messages

Sunday, January 28th, 2024 12:04 AM

Required Upgrade to Fiber

Like many, I have spent years getting the letters urging upgrade to fiber. The nonstop calls too.

Fiber has not been run to my service. My service runs above ground on poles from a box about half mile down the road. After much frustration with the constant calls, I finally had a technician come out to check. He confirmed fiber has not and won't be run along the line to my drop. There is service in the neighborhood behind me. The only option would be the homeowner behind us would need to agree to let them tap into his lines and then they would need to install a pole to run the service to my home. There are no telephone/power poles in that neighborhood. The technician agreed that really wasn't an option. He had it noted on the account that there is not service and the calls finally stopped. 

Two weeks ago, I got a call saying I must upgrade or lose service. I pointed out upgrade is not an option based on the technician visit. The sales rep finally understood that I can't upgrade no matter how much I'd like to. She then said something to the effect that I don't need to worry about it. 

This week I got a letter saying I must upgrade or will lose service in few months! Tried calling, but was going to have to hold for about 30 minutes. 

I need an answer. Is AT&T going to drop my service because I can't upgrade to fiber when it isn't an option?  

ACE - Professor


5.7K Messages

5 months ago

What happens if you go to att.com and, using your account, try to upgrade service.  Does it show Att Internet with Fiber?   If the correspondence is legit, that means Att is using your postal address to make decisions about service availability.   This is always the first step when attempting an order.  I’ve never known Att to arbitrarily disconnect service in a case like this, but then again the transition from copper to fiber is new territory.  

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

5 months ago

The only option would be the homeowner behind us would need to agree to let them tap into his lines and then they would need to install a pole to run the service to my home.

You can't just tap into someone else's fiber lines; it's not like a CATV plant where you can just throw in another splitter.  A fiber has to be dedicated for each subscriber from the PFP.  There has to be a tap where that fiber ends within range of your home.  

So far, I've not heard AT&T has left anyone high and dry when they could not get fiber.  But I expect that day is coming, especially since they've launched AT&T Internet Air.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 months ago

Hi @lettenna! We understand that you want to know how to upgrade the Fiber plans. We hear you, and happy to assist you.


The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs. This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns.  To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact Us page : https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.att.com_support_contact-2Dus_&d=DwMFAg&c=-MJkLfNHw3fLcSxc54P8Yg&r=sWJxYYqRJgabMpMzyhHhDlepNjmwDMVm6pShlyh2TME&m=OMfnsYAUIrurUG5JIbQk5xPXqJ10I3jHPSFcSgH0oOyF8mBph8Sl9xtjJz8yVpV1&s=sCd3gj2E2SZJPDGFTXXZoX_2-UQeyY20lAbP1kYz40M&e= and choose the best option to reach out to us.  You can call, chat, or reach out via social media, and we can review your specific issue and provide you support.  If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.


If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.

Thank you!

AT&T Community Forum Specialist.



18 Messages

5 months ago

@gr8sho When I check the address, it says service is available. When they call, they insist the system says I have access. When the technician came out, he assured me, it is not run to my service. I am in an older home in front of a newer subdivision. All the subdivision lines are underground from a box across the street from my driveway. No lines were run from that box to my home. My service is from an overhead feed that runs from a box half mile away. 

@JefferMC I am not sure were they would splice me in, but regardless, I can't just have a pole installed anyways. As for cutting people off, looks like it may be in the works at least in California per a CPUC announcement that ATT wants to be relieved of being the Carrier of Last Resort in most of California. "While the application does not propose changes to VoIP service, customers with VoIP service may lose service in the future if AT&T decides it no longer wants to operate landline services in that community/market."

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

5 months ago

The California is about shutting down traditional phone lines know as POTS, plain old telephone service.

concerning the neighborhood behind, is their service from a pole or underground?  Depending on where the fiber terminal is located, a fiber line can be placed on the ground for future burying to update your service. The line would need to be placed in the easement of the others property… easement work does not require approval of the yard the burial would be located in. 

The assigned terminal location would be on the techs order when dispatched to provide upgrade.

ACE - Professor


5.9K Messages

5 months ago

Just schedule an install appointment and see what happens. 



18 Messages

5 months ago

@brownk26, As noted in my original post, I did just that. The technician who came out said I don't have fiber to my drop.  



18 Messages

5 months ago

@ my thoughts the neighborhood behind has all utilities underground. No underground wires (phone, cable or power) were ever run to my home. The service box for that neighborhood is across the street from my driveway. Service to that box is also underground. Running a line to my property would mean tearing up the street. 

So, unless AT&T is willing to run a half mile of fiber on the poles that serve me, looks like I am out of luck. 

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

5 months ago

You would not receive fiber from the PFP (service box for neighborhood) but from either a pedestal or handhold depending on what is there.

When checking other addresses on you Main Street leading into the neighborhood, does any other addresses show as fiber available?

If no, would recommend requesting a fiber address validation case be opened, normally used to activate an address that was missed but in your case to turn off the address once engineering has verified no service availability.

What current speed tier do you have? 18 or less (ADSL2+) or 25 or 50 (VDSL) which would have been Uverse IPTV option. 

Is ATT AIR an option?




18 Messages

5 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion to check another address. The next house up the road that is on the same lines as me shows only Internet 100 is available. Internet Air is not available here either. I have internet 50. We have been told that even if I paid for a higher level, the lines aren't going to support/provide much more than we currently get. 

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