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6 Messages

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017 8:53 PM

Why does AT&T make promises they do not intend to keep? Another abysmal AT&T experience in the books

I ordered a Directv bundle with AT&T internet and yet again, AT&T fails in a BIG way!! And doesn't even seem to care...


I live on the east coast of central FL. Yes, we were affected by Hurricane Irma. Affected, but not devastated. In fact affected in a way that most people in my area were able to clean-up/repair within 24 hrs. Any how... On 09/16/2017 I went to our local Sam's club to pick up my new Samsung Note8 that I had ordered (great sale they ran!). While I was there I received the greatest pitch for a bundle of Directv and AT&T internet. After extremely deep consideration, I decided to leave my current, long-time, provider (Spectrum) and signed the contract with AT&T.


I quickly received my confirmation email along with my confirmed installation dates. Directv: September 19th between 1 PM & 6 PM and AT&T Internet: October 3rd between 8 AM & 12 PM. Remember, this is being ordered almost a week AFTER the hurricane.

Directv came out to install on 09/19 as promised, but said that he would need to unhook my current internet so that he can run a new fiber line for AT&T internet (He assured me this is how he and the AT&T installers have been doing it for quite a while). As a consultant, I work from my home when I am not traveling all over the country. I can't live without internet for even one minute. So Directv offered to come back when AT&T was scheduled so they can just do it all at the same time with no problem. 


Well,  Low and behold, here we are on 10/03/2017 and AT&T never shows up to install the internet. A service that I had to put down a $100 installation fee just to make the order happen. After giving the installers a grace period of over an hour, I called AT&T support. Well, after about 30 minutes of chatting with support, I am told that my installation order shows as 01/01/2037.... WHAT?!?! He then says that he will need to cancel the original order and reorder my service, and that I will have a new installation date of 10/25, if I approve. I told them that, that was unacceptable, that I was promised 10/03/2017 and now they are telling me that I will have to wait almost another month, as well as continue to pay Spectrum AND Directv while I wait for the new internet service to be installed. The support tech then says he can reverse the $100 payment I had already made for the installation. I said, oh, that would be GREAT! Started to feel like AT&T cared. He then said, "DONE!". I thought to myself, SWEET! Thank you!!! At which time he asked me for a credit card number and all the details that went with it so that he can put it toward the new order he needed to place.... Again, WHAT?!?!?! Here I thought they cared and were going to be good stewards, but instead they just want my money so that I can keep on waiting. I told him, NO, let me talk to the supervisor. Got on the phone with the supervisor and after about 10 minutes of him telling that he has no idea how the date was 2037, but that he would talk to the software development team (yeah...... right), and that he would make sure that I can get my install date sooner; in as soon as 3 days at the latest. I say I guess so, and allow the new order to be placed, telling them the whole time that this is ridiculous! I am the customer, I should not be treated this way!!! He says he will call me in 10 minutes with the updated install date.


Almost an hour later he calls and explains that because my area was "affected" by hurricane Irma, there are NO installs taking place at this time. That there are over 100 pending installations for my area. And that he checked with all the local installers. He said that this is not really an AT&T issue, but that this is what the local installer is telling them. To me that was the back-breaker, I absolutely lost it!!! To paraphrase, I said... Do not tell me what the local installers are telling you. I am telling YOU what your confirmed installation date was that was sent to me from AT&T. I asked, how AT&T can sell a service with a promissory date that they had never intended to keep?? If they sold me this bundle almost a week after the hurricane, I am pretty sure that they already knew that no installations were going to be taking place (Don't they check????). How did I get this date, yet you show 01/01/2037? Why did Directv arrive TWO times as promised, and came through? Why has UPS, FedEx and every other parcel carrier come to my home with no issue?


The supervisor could only say that this is some sort of software glitch that he will discuss with the devs (hahaha) and that there is no way that they can fulfill their promised installation date, that I must wait until October 23rd at the soonest. But wait.... I never even received a confirmation that it would be installed then...


SO... Now I have the pleasure of paying for another month of Spectrum cable and internet (because it is a bundle as well, and canceling TV will cause internet to increase and cost even more overall), as well as pay for my new Directv service. And don't forget my NEW $100 installation charge for the service I still don't have... 


I am fed up with AT&T. I have never had a service where they didn't screw me in some way. Support is 90% useless, and rarely do I get a resolution, I just keep letting them beat me down and own me. I am about ready to dump all my AT&T services and go with another cellular provider and internet TV. I have been a cellular customer since AT&T purchased BellSouth Mobility (a very long time). I am never treated like I am worth anything to them and I can bet you that my Oct 23rd date is now after people who ordered their service WELL after me!!!!! 


Thanks for nothing AT&T! You appreciate my loyalty to you? Well, I have proven it year after year!! Where is yours to me? Oh, it's in the form of more bills and empty promises.... 



290 Messages

7 years ago



You story is not that unusual. AT&T customer service is horrible. The thing is the company COULD solve these problems 

IF they wanted to, but they don't want to as they don't care. So the customer continues to be treated with contempt. 


The only solution is to cancel all their services and go with another provider if possible. 



2 Messages

7 years ago

Exactly to every detail today for me. 

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