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2 Messages

Friday, June 4th, 2021 2:30 AM

Access from AT&T

I am on the Access from AT&T plan for $10 a month. I just got approved for the Emergency Broadband Benefit program which provides up to $50 per month on broadband service. I have the e-mail approval from Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). They are the ones who administer the government program. How can I e-mail or fax my approval to AT&T so it can be applied to my existing Access from AT&T account?

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

3 years ago

Once approved, call 866.986.0963: Weekdays, 8am-10pm; and Saturdays, 8am-5pm ET.

1 Message

2 months ago

at&t PULLED A FAST ONE ON THE ACCESS USERS.  Paying $10 a month was fine for me.  I did not want to give AT&T access to my ACP benefits because they would then get $30 a month instead of the $10 we had agreed to when I accepted their offer.  I did not recertify because I knew what they were trying to do.  Funny how a corporation with many billions in profits every year could not help but try to take more money from the govt by rigging the access to access through the acp program.  The telling part was thee not having to recertify so long as a customer gave AT&T permission to take the acp's $30 per month.

That alone showed their true intent was not to make sure people still qualified, their intent was to steal an extra $20 per month from the govt for a service which they had agreed to provide for $10.  Funny, AT&T started charging me a lot more than $10 a month after I refused to recertify.  I did not sign up for any more than $10 a month and the fact that they decided to charge a person on ssi and who is disabled on a fixed income outrageous fees, when it is obvious that I can not afford the full price, as evidenced by the original $10 we had agreed to per month.  How do they figure that they had any right to raise the price?  They should have discontinued my access to access rather than take it upon themselves to change the plan without my permission or agreement or signing a new deal.  I refuse to pay them a penny until  they send me a bill for $10 a month for the time that I was still under the old plan.  Once they changed the fees, and started charging me more,they overstepped their authority  I will send them back their equipment and then demand that they give me a proper bill, only for the months I used the old access program.

Greed was their motivation.  The hilarious thing is the govt stopped the acp shortly after that time.  I believe the govt was not thrilled with AT&T taking advantage of a program by forcing their customers to give up the acp benefit to them.  It was extortion is what it was.  Time for  a (Edited per community guidelines) (Edited per community guidelines) to teach them a lesson.  I am looking forward to teaching them a lesson in contract law .Corporations have no sense of dignity at all.  Grubbing for every penny just like a street hustler would.  Low life high income people make those decisions, and it is sickening to witness.


Former Employee


22.5K Messages

2 months ago

ATT ACCESS requires recertification every so often to verify your still eligible for the program. If you fail to do so then your ACCESS program is canceled and your switched to the standard program and rate per the company policies.

If you do not desire the standard program then you need to cancel your account to avoid the new standard rates. 

You may wish to review the internet terms of service (TOS) agreement you accepted when establishing service include the ACCESS requirements also in your review. ATT acted upon the policy in place when you choose not to recertification of your account.

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

2 months ago

I did not recertify because I knew what they were trying to do. 

Starting July 17, 2023, Access from AT&T customers began receiving notifications informing them that they are required to re-certify and confirm eligibility for the Access from AT&T program.

Sounds like you made a bad decision…..  🤷‍♀️

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

2 months ago

Another customer who didn't bother to read the TOS nor understand what it entailed.

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