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9 Messages

Friday, January 5th, 2018 12:45 AM

Att Access data doubled and tripled daily usage

Nothing but problems since having ATT internet.


I have a laptop, ps3 for netflix and a disconnected cellphone on wifi. Started Access in Sept 2017. From the first through the 16th daily usage showed no more than maybe 20 gb used a day and up to 1-2gb uploads daily (confused with the uploads since i don't upload anything on a daily basis, maybe a comment on social media once or twice a week). So according to daily usage on ATT site and the 2nd email I just received, after the 16th I am now using 30-50gbs a day and still 1-2gbs uploads a day. What gives? All 3 devices are on wifi. Am I the only one?is there anyway for us to track data?


Weirdest thing is even the days I spent away from home had 30+ data used.... 


EDIT: Also forgot to mention we had the $40 1TB internet only package from March 2016 til Sept 2017 and never got close to using all 1TB. Nothing has changed in all that time how I use the internet...


2ND EDIT: Wow, its Jan 4th 2018, 730 pm Central and I just went back to the check usage page. I just got charged 1gb for Jan 5th 2018...



9 Messages

6 years ago

Whelp, looks like I owe ATT an apology this one time, I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong. But, their Customer Reps should be telling customers this piece of info when they call in with questions.


Short solution: It was Netflix and YouTube. You have to go to your Netflix account and change the playback settings to MEDIUM or lower. 1hr of HD streaming could actually drain about 7gbs of data an hr. I tested this over the weekend and according to ATT site where you can see your data usage, it dropped from 40-50gb back down to 15-20gbs a day.


Long version: My mom is a Netflix junkie. From March 2016 to Sept 2017 she pretty much watches Netflix all day til she wants to watch the news. What happened in Sept 2016 is her 32in big back old SD TV went out so we got her a new 32in. flat screen and that's where the problem started. Netflix by default is set to AUTO for playback, so when the new flat screen started showing that it could except the HD quality it all went downhill from there.



9 Messages

6 years ago

I guess it's time to leave AT&T. After a few successful weeks with getting data under control, it doubled again. As of Jan 24, 2018 the data usage has jumped back up to 35-49gb a day with only my mother watching 8hrs of Netflix on MEDIUM Netflix play back settings. I still don't understand why 1-2gbs of uploads are also being used everyday. This is an Access account which is suppose to help low income families but is it?  If I didn't catch the overages in the 2nd mth, she would have been charged an insane amount of overages that no one can figure out why or where they came from. Again, she watches about 8-10 hrs of Netflix a day on a PS3 Netflix app. I visit with my laptop and/or my cellphone every other week and notice these higher usages when I'm not there so that cancels out any possible malware issues on those devices.



1 Message

6 years ago

I have not changed a single thing regarding my usage since having to go on Access six weeks ago (been a customer for years), and having same data limit (1TB) as my $40 previous plan. NOT ONE SINGLE THING. It's only me, no phone or computer use to speak of, just streaming TV. Have always used the same TV, same HD settings. Past usages were around 600GB/month (of 1024 available), and in all these years, I've never gone over. Yet, my first Access billing period. My usage was doubled (and I have 5 days left!). Called ATT, because I thought it might be a hack. We changed modem name and password just in case, but I'm highly secure about that stuff at all times. Now I wonder if the slower speeds cause more background buffering, which might lead to a shift in data usage? If not, ATT has some 'splainin to do. 



5 Messages

6 years ago

I have been monitoring my data usage very closely. At@t has an app that allows you to monitor data usage at the router for every device on your network. Yesterday I reset my stats to zero and monitored each device for a 24 hour period. Total usage yesterday was 2.8G as measured at the router and confirmed hourly in real time. My account was charged 6.4G for this time period. This was effectively over double the actual internet data usage. My suspicion is that they are using a shared transmission line i.e.: a cable company infrastructure which doubles the data usage over and above what is actually used. I intend to get an answer from AT@T as to this discrepancy. If they are passing along third party data charges this is effectively doubling the internet data usage and you are being charged double what you are actually using. [Per Guidelines:  Keep it Relevant and Appropriate].



3 Messages

5 years ago

Did you ever figure out an answer on this? I've been having the same issue for months since I got AT&T internet.

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