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ceb111's profile



4 Messages

Saturday, February 21st, 2015 8:38 PM

ATT would not cancel my old phone/internet account when I switched to U verse

Hi, all, I made the mistake of switching to ATT U verse in the end of January. Previously, I had a regular phone line and DSL internet also with ATT, same address. Since then, I was already charged once for the old account (because I used to be on automatic payments for my old account ) and, of course, I am charged for the new U verse account as well. I called ATT several times, explained the situation to numerous representatives since then. I was told: 'sure, we will cancel it, no problem.'  It still shows a bill for February now.Last time I called them at the beginning of this week; I have the ID of the agent I talked to. I also printed the online conversions I had with several representatives. I am not sure what I do. What is your advice? Anybody else had the same situation? 




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Former Employee


4.9K Messages

9 years ago

Hello, ceb111!

Thanks for posting. I'm sorry to hear that your old account has not been canceled. We would be happy to get this straightened out for you, so please click here to send us a private message with your contact information, the best time to reach you, and a brief summary of the issue.


You can expect a reply within two business days, so keep an eye on the little blue envelope icon in the top right corner of your screen. In the meantime, feel free to message me with any other questions or concerns.





4 Messages

9 years ago

Thank you for your reply!


ATT gave me some credit for the month my DSL/phone was no longer working, but I had to pay $8.59 for unknown reasons. I paid that just to finish this bussines, but now I am informed that my account might have been sent to collections !!! 


This is unacceptable and I am going to fight this whatever it takes! I will post here again to keep the community informed about these new developments!







4 Messages

9 years ago

Thank you for your reply!


ATT gave me some credit for the month my DSL/phone was no longer working, but I had to pay $8.59 for unknown reasons. I paid that just to finish this bussines, but now I am informed that my account might have been sent to collections !!! 


This is unacceptable and I am going to fight this whatever it takes! I will post here again to keep the community informed about these new developments!





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