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A_Pro's profile

6 Messages

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 4:43 PM

Bad customer service

I've been with AT&T for Internet for I guess 20 years.  Their Inda customer service was never better than poor, but one thing I wanted to mention that drives me nuts is the "security question" they still apparently have for me.  Thirteen years ago when I moved, I was having lots of general problems with them.  When I would call, they would always ask me the same security question:  "Who was your childhood hero?"  Well now, how strange.  I told them at the time that I NEVER HAD A CHILDHOOD HERO and never would've chosen that as a question.  Nevertheless, they wanted an answer, which I couldn't give because I never answered such a question.  I asked them to ask me practically any other questions that would be usual--mother's maiden name,  city where I met my spouse, etc.  But no, who was my childhood hero!  I asked them to please remove that question as my security question, and I thought the matter was settled.  Well a few weeks back I called and guess what!!  They asked me the SAME bogus question AGAIN.  What I really want to know is exactly what answer they have for that question.  Whatever it is , it was made up by somebody at AT&T.  Their customer service is worse than poor.

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