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imcva's profile

1 Message

Sunday, June 9th, 2024 7:49 PM


Billing problem

I have been a customer of AT&T Business for 25 years, and have 5 wireless lines. According to AT&T official site, the charge for AT&T Business Unlimited Standard - 5+ Lines AT&T Unlimited with AutoPay & Paperless Bill Smartphone Line Discount is $30/line. However, I have been charged $55/mo for 1 line and $30/mo other 4 lines. I have been trying to solve this problem and called AT&T many times, spending hours, but the issue has not been fixed yet. The last time I spoke with a representative, I was told that it will be fixed in 5/2024, still it's not solved yet. Thus today I called AT&T 800-331-0500, and spoke with a representative, who understood what I am asking, but her answer was in order to solve the problem, I have to change my plan to AT&T Air, which will give me a free device, but there's federal tax. In past I changed my plan per representative recommendation but end up paying more money and difficulty with fixing it, thus I said no, but her response was in order to solve my problem, I have to change my plan. Thus I asked her to talk her supervisor or let me know who I can contact to solve this problem. Her answer was then call AT&T Loyalty Department 866-599-1441, but the number is not in service. 

I called another AT&T number 888-333-6651 based on the internet search, and spoke with a representative: The experience was same as before - horrible. I spoke with her for 38 minutes. Even after 38 minutes of talking to her, her answers were same. #1, she kept on repeating what I am being charged currently, #2 when I asked her why, her answers were because of type of plan I signed up for, #3 when I asked her to talk to her supervisor or tell me who I can call, her answers were her supervisor is aware of my problem and is on line and call the number on my bill, etc. I even asked her whether she was live person or AI.  After 38 minutes of this very frustrating phone conversation, I finally told her that I am hanging up the phone, since it was very apparent that she was unable nor willing to solve this billing problem - only thing she kept on telling me was how much I am currently paying and the reason was due to the type of plan I have.

I hope someone in AT&T can solve this problem. I have 2 wireless lines with T-Mobile for last 2-3 years and my experience with T-Mobile representatives were superb. They really showed their willingness to understand and solve my problems ASAP. I had similar billing issues, and they solved them ASAP. What a difference between these 2 telecom giants. Although I don't like to change my carriers, at present only reason I am not changing is that I got 3 iPhones on installments per AT&T promotions, and I need to fulfill them.


ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

25 days ago

This is a public forum of other customers. The forum official help team will simply tell you to use "Contact Us" to get their current number to call them.

For guidance from other business customers, I would suggest the business forum.


ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

20 days ago


Past due, or paying off device, and phone lagging have nothing to with each other. Claiming otherwise is straight up a conspiracy theory. Service is either on or off. Go past due too far and you are shut off. No in-between. And installment plans ongoing or completed have no affect on the service. Sounds more like fitting symptoms (if they really existed) to fit your conclusion.

AT&T like many companies monitors calls for training and quality purposes only. These companies purge any calls randomly captured as they are not kept for record purposes per their setup. The same cannot be said for the customer, so there is no national requirement that business allow customers to record the calls. Should that change, perhaps.

Technically, AT&T has not had contracts in years. You have the option of getting a phone on a 36 month installment plan, which if you are getting a promotion on it must pay those installments or forfeit the remaining credits. So it works similar to a contract. They are not going to incentivize the price on the phone without something from you of course.

I am very aware that AT&T needs improvement in many areas (especially their customer support options right now). But I suggest to keep grievances grounded in reality.

In any case this is not official contact, nor is this an airport. So you must call them to announce your departure. 

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

20 days ago


Not my rep any more than yours. As mentioned this is a public forum, not official support. I am another customer.

Rep claiming a 2 year contract was blowing smoke as AT&T dealt away with those years ago. As mentioned, the only thing close to a contract are the 36 month phone installment if you want a discount on a phone. Their priority is selling the service itself, phones are just a means to that.

1. Sorry but you are wrong. I am a people person and do work with the public. I just don't have to worry about such conduct in the forum and can be straightforward and blunt.

2. Don't have to be professional. I do not work for AT&T. So I can call out conspiracy fallacies where I see them.

3. I have offered help and guidance to many. You are not wanting help but just to write a book of complaining on how you are leaving AT&T.

4. When I choose to retire is not up to you.

If it wasn't already apparent, businesses are to make money. Not be charities. Sounds more like you have the go and everything is for you. So I would say those complaints should be viewed inward.

I will sleep well. I don't lose sleep over you.

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

19 days ago

All my posts include the clarification that I am another customer. I did not mislead at all, you did that to yourself.

Being a public forum, by posting you have invited everybody into your business. You've asked for everybody's opinion. You cannot speak in public and not expect the public to speak back.

You want to speak to AT&T then you do so with official support. That would be the mature thing to do instead of throwing a tantrum in a public space. AT&T hasn't provided official support in the forums in months as that was discontinued. Outside of very general help, all the official forum team does is refer you to the "Contact Us" link at the bottom to go through official channels.

Time to see the reality of the situation instead of inventing your own with bad assumptions or worse.

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