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redhead022's profile



2 Messages

Friday, May 10th, 2019 2:27 PM


Cancelled Service without request

AGAIN, I am thoroughly disappointed with AT&T. My WiFi account was cancelled without my approval and now I cannot get it restarted. I received a call from AT&T on Wednesday night asking about when I would be moving and if I was canceling my service. I told them I was not moving until the end of May and that I would call to transfer the service when I knew I would move. I DID NOT WANT TO CANCEL MY SERVICE. However, the person on the phone decided to go ahead and cancel my service. I called on May 9th and was told to call back in the morning and that AT&T would restart my WIFI and I would not have to do anything or have a credit check. WRONG. I spoke with the Miami office this morning and they would not restart my service unless they completed a credit check. HELLO. I'm trying to buy a house and I cannot have my credit ran during the process. I work full time and I am working on my masters with finals due this weekend and I need WiFi. But AT&T customer service would not restart my WiFi without the credit check even though this was all their fault and that I did not ask for my service to be cancelled. I. AM. DONE. The customer service I've received over the past week has been the WORST than any I have ever experienced in my life. I am mad. I should not have to go through all these hoops for a mistake that AT&T made. Continued terrible customer service. @CustomerServiceIsDead  How can I get my WiFi restarted without a credit check so that I can finish all my semester work???? 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hi There @redhead022,


We do understand that your account has been disconnected in error and you needed it resumed.  We can help with that. We do want to make this a very seamless process.


To get started with your resolution, we will be sending you a private message to your forums inbox.


Once you get the notification, please do the following steps:

1. Log-in to your forums account.
2. Click on the envelope icon
3. Click on the message that you get
4. Reply to that message only


Just a reminder: Please do not post any personal information such as, email addresses, phone numbers, or account numbers on this public thread.


We look forward to working with you to get this resolved.

Matthew, AT&T Community Specialist



New Member


2 Messages

2 years ago

My family has (well I should say HAD) service with AT&T. My family and myself recently relocated to our new home. We were able to secure a home in a brand new apartment complex that just finished being built 3 months prior. On Nov 17, we paid our deposit of $100, all seemed to be well, we had a installation date and was set to get our internet turned on. We were never asked for any proof of address or nothing of the sorts. All went well from Nov 17 until the day of Nov 28 when it all went crazy! On Nov 28, my son who does school at home, text and asked me what was wrong with the internet. I assumed it was a outage and AT&T was working to fix it, so I told him be patient. I got off work work 8 hours later, came home and the internet still did not work. I ran through troubleshooting steps, reached out for support, nothing would fix my internet. Finally I checked our AT&T app to see if there was something wrong (because I knew our bill was not due until Dec) and I seen at the top of the screen SERVICES CANCELED! Now at this time I am frustrated. I work two jobs, a doctor's office in the day time, and work at home customer rep overnight, I go to college ONLINE with finals due in TWO DAYS, as well as my son does his school work ONLINE at our home! I am not understanding why my service was canceled. I continued to try to reach someone and was unable, finally I was able to reach someone in the chat queue, who then informed me, MY SERVICES WERE DISCONNECTED BECAUSE MY NEIGHBOR WHO JUST MOVED INTO THE APARTMENT BESIDE US PAID FOR SERVICES! At this point I am heated, what does my service have to do with his? I was told that per AT&T guidelines only one service per service address! Now that had me confused, we are in an apartment complex, how can only one service be here? So moving along, this is where I really got confused, if there is only one service per address, WHY was my families service that we paid for and ACTIVELY had disconnected and canceled to allow my neighbor service? Why was my husband (the account is in his name) not contacted to verify our apartment number or what was going on? So, for the past TWO days we have been on the phone NON-STOP with AT&T customer support, with no resolution. Now, taking that into consideration, I was asked by this chat agent to "please check that with the other account holder? Also you can restore the service by submitting a proof of address", in which I responded "No I am not going to go to someone else's apartment to confirm they requested services with AT&T, I'm sorry but I am not doing that", so to sum up that conversation I was asked by a chat agent that works for AT&T to go to a neighbors apartment (that I do not know because they just moved in) and ask for their name and verify they got services through AT&T that day! That would be a big no and crazy that I would be asked to do that. Again moving forward, we spoke to another agent today because we gave up last night, we requested a MANAGER several times, finally one comes on the line and all of a sudden as soon as he is supposably taking the call the line was disconnected after half an hour of holding. We call back again, this call being an hour long, and luckily we got a wonderful agent by the name of Holly in the Loyalty Department (which I was told to speak with and assured they would make this right). While speaking with Holly I requested a MANAGER several times. This agent attempted to get TWO DIFFERENT MANAGERS to take our call in which they would not. They refused to take the call from the agent. All of this has been frustrating and irritating to say the least. Anyways, while speaking to Holly over an hour, a Manger told her to tell us we need to contact our apartment manager because our address is not coming up as an apartment complex instead it is showing as a single family home, again we are not contacting anyone for AT&T, that is not our job. We requested a manager several times and both managers on duty denied to take the call from Holly even tho she requested her superiors to take the call multiple times due to our request to speak with one! We had services first and ours was disconnected to install our neighbors without even contacting us, we paid a deposit that "could not be returned to our debit card because it was out of the time allotted time period to do a regular return" and we submitted OUR LEASE SHOWING OUR APARTMENT NUMBER as well as our neighbor submitted his lease showing HIS APARTMENT NUMBER. So to sum all of this up, we are out of our money, we have no internet which will result in my loosing my WORK AT HOME JOB THAT REQUIRES INTERNET, as well as being UNABLE TO TAKE MY FINALS FOR COLLEGE RESULTING IN ME LOOSING MY FINANCIAL AID and we do not have the money to pay another company for services because we paid AT&T deposit just to have services for 10 days and unjustifiably canceled with no communication with us. We have done or best to make this right and come to a resolution, with no support or assistance from the managers that work the call center, which resulted in this  comment. Oh, and the best part, in fact our FAVORITE part, AT&T has our deposit and sent us a BILL FOR $70 when they cancelled our account, oh and requested we send our equipment back to them! With all due respect AT&T needs to correct this ASAP and fix what they have cost my family all over ignorance, lazy managers, and failure to follow protocol. 


A angry and disappointed EX AT&T customer! 

ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

2 years ago

@AngryEXcustomer   Please don't resurrect ancient threads like this to add your story, especially since you also started a new thread.  Your details are unique and really don't have a lot in common with the original post in this thread other than the main point.

Also, just a friendly suggestion.....hardly anyone will read your "wall of text" post.  I'm famous for making lonnnng posts so I'm good with that aspect, but just jamming it all together drives most people to move to the next post without bothering to read it.

I'm going to close this thread.

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