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Devynr96's profile

1 Message

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 2:30 PM

Collection that is not mine

I had an account opened in my name, that is not mine in December of 2023. I saw the collection on my credit report when trying to get approved for a house loan, this dropped my credit score a good amount as the collection is for $3500. I have been trying to figure this out and called the collections number for At&T (1-800-947-5096) however I can not move forward as they do not recognize me as a customer because I am not one and never have been!! I do not have a phone number associated with AT&T as again I am not a customer and never have been so clearly I do not have an account number either. Really unsure what to do here and hoping someone can connect me with a number to actually discuss this or give me mor direct answers to getting rid of this. 

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

2 months ago

1. File a police report for identity theft.

2. File a fraud report with AT&T.

3. Notify your credit card companies.

4. Change all of your passwords on ALL of your accounts using strong passwords which are different from each other and use 2FA (two factor authorization if offered).

5. Dispute any charges that you don't recognize.

6. Start monitoring all of your accounts on a weekly basis for any suspicious activity.

7. Change your email to a new account and provider. Gmail is ok but I'd look for a separate email service for at least your important accounts.

Once it has gone to Collections you will need to dispute it with the Collection Agency because AT&T has turned it over to them so they have nothing to do with it anymore. Ask the Collection Agency for proof and any information they have.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

2 months ago

Dispute the charge with the credit reporting agency that is showing it.

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