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Mom2three2010's profile



5 Messages

Sunday, February 11th, 2018 6:25 PM

COMPLAINT - no dsl lines even though our previous owners had one, HOW?


I have been since July trying to get a dsl line.  We live in a partly rural area.  The people we bought from had a dsl line.  But, after I made the appointment in July to install our new dsl line and Directv.... I called to see why the technician was not at the appointment for the install of our new DSL in August, a whole month later (and they did not call and tell me they did not have any lines and would not be coming!). I was told, AT&T does not have any dsl lines and that there was a waiting list!  I knew that was a bunch of bull, because obviously the people who we bought our home from had one!  I even gave AT&T the phone number  it was associated with.  They said, they could not talk to me about that account.  Well here I am 6 months later with no cell service in our home from AT&T and no dsl line.  And have spoken to so many people, NO ONE knows what to do.  I asked how to get on the wait list and no one knew what I was talking about.  So in the event of an emergency, I can't even call 911.  Seriously, AT&T WILL be LIABLE, since I have tried unsuccessfully for 6 months to get something.  Anything at this time would be great!  I am so over AT&T.  We have 6 cell phones and an Ipad with cell service through AT&T, should I finally get rid of them since they don't really care for their existing customers......?

I mean, if you can't get me a dsl line, could you at least put up a freaking cell tower?  I need a line!  I have health issues and my son is special needs!   Why can't you service your existing customers! 

I am looking for a resolution to this!!!!  I had to get satellite internet that is worse than the old dial up internet.  It is hit or miss and the largest data plan, only works for 2 weeks if we are lucky to connect and use.  Yesterday and for a few days last month, we had NO INTERNET at all!  Seriously, I am paying 150.00 per month for the only internet I can get, and it doesn't work!  Please AT&T I am a desperate person here!  Please don't let something horrible happen at my home, I won't be able to call for help!

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