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VicMaC's profile



1 Message

Tuesday, October 17th, 2017 7:23 AM

Credit for returned U-verse equipment

Does anyone know how to get credit for a returned U-verse equipment that was late due to not having label. I had to call for one and it was misplaced in mail. Long story made short my father is being charged 267.49 and 150.00 is the equipment , service ( he don't have)and late fees . We live in a town with no UPS store so this made it more difficult. My father is on a fixed income and had already paid his deposit . I have called and gave them tracking number but still no credit. My Father had just gotten use to the internet and was hooked on YouTube .  Now he has no service due to not being able to pay bill. If anyone can direct me to the right number and extension we would greatly appreciate it. I have called with several failed attempts. IMG_5897.JPGTracking number


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Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 years ago


We are sorry for the trouble with your account! We will be glad to help. To assist further, we need to gather more information. If you could, please send us a Private message by clicking https://forums.att.com/t5/notes/composepage/note-to-user-id/60 and provide your account number and contact telephone number.

Krissy, AT&T Community Specialist

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