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al91206's profile



3 Messages

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017 9:36 PM

Faithful 8 year Uverse Customer - charged for service after I moved - please help!!

Dear AT&T - Uverse,

I ordered Uverse service as soon as it was available to me in 2008.  I had it for 8 years, until 2016.  Unfortunately I moved to an area (see address below) that does not have Uverse service and the only 'broadband' remains with Charter.  Now when I was moving at the end of last year, my house purchase was contingent on my condo selling, so I did not know the exact date of my move.I thought I would be safe putting the service on hold until I knew we were all setup in the new address. 
A few months into 2017 I got a letter stating that I owed AT&T almost $600!?
After calling and talking to a few people, I was told that it was all a misunderstanding and I owed nothing - yes I was told this.  Twice actually, both around end of Jan / Feb 2017.  Each one separately told me it took 30 to 60 days for it to affect billing.  Not a problem - everyone was very nice and friendly.  Well, I left it alone and come 2 to 3 weeks ago I got a letter saying the entire amount went to collections.  Disappointed to say the least - disappointed in the folks I talked to, and in the level of empowerment they are obviously not given - as I feel this would have been resolved.
1. I moved - left my old address in Burbank, CA 91505 in Early to Mid September.
2. I had put my entire Uverse acct on hold - I was never told I needed to call and turn it off.
3. I returned my equipment (this was verified by the 2 people I spoke to who said I owed nothing

4. I liked ... actually loved my Uverse.  I had it for 8 to 9 years and I would like to go back as soon as the service is accessible to me.  Please .. please please someone help me here.  My only hope to get this resolved is for someone to investigate the notes on my account.



3 Messages

7 years ago

Does anyone have any advice?  Phone number other than the regular customer service?

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 years ago

Hi there!

We are sorry for the trouble with the bill for your closed acount. We will be glad to help. To assist further, we need to gather more information. If you could, please send us a Private message by clicking <Here>  that includes your account number and contact telephone number we would appreciate it.

Mike, AT&T Community Specialist



3 Messages

7 years ago

Replied - thank you - awaiting decision - whether good or bad - really quite happy that this was replied to.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 years ago

Hi @al91206,

We are happy to help. I do not see a private message from your handle. It may have not gone through. If you could please send us a private message once more and let us know when you sent it, we will be happy to work with you on this issue.

David, AT&T Community Specialist

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