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23 Messages

Tuesday, July 18th, 2017 6:32 PM

How do you contact the loyalty department to get a better monthly rate?

My promo pricing has expired for Uverse internet and phone.  Charter/Spectrum is offering a great deal for $64.98 + tax for 100Mbps internet and unlimited home phone.

I want a similar Uverse deal, or at least that kind of price since I can only get up to 50Mbps at that address.

How do I  make this happen?   I've been waiting nearly 24 hours for the loyalty department to "reach out within 15 minutes" to help me.    I did call and was speaking to a rep when the line dropped.   I thought they might call back, as they were careful to get my number at the beginning of the call, but that didn't happen either.

Does this mean they don't want my continued business and I should terminate my Uverse,  and give the nod to the Charter /Spectrum rep and schedule their tech visit?

Has anyone actually had any success in achieving a more reasonable monthly bill with Uverse?



15K Messages

7 years ago

I've seen that term "loyalty department" in these forums.  I often wondered where that name came from.  At any rate what I do each year is ask for "retentions" or as other suggested say "cancel" when navigating the 2020 phone tree.  That will (or should, verify) get you to the retentions department.   It's an annual ritual for me.



23 Messages

7 years ago

Some rep with ATT/Uverse kept referring to it as the "loyalty department" when I referenced it as "retention department."    The lack of service and ability to speak to a live person has placed me in the "hypertension department" today.



15K Messages

7 years ago

Unless things changed in the last year (my promo ends in September) I've always connected with a "live" person and they are all in this country (I actually ask where they are).  They have all been very friendly and up till now (9 years) I've always gotten some kind of promo I could live with.   But you go into this knowing full well it's a crap shoot.



2 Messages

6 years ago

This is a bit long, please take the time to read. It seems AT&T is having real issues after merging with DirectTV.  They fight internally to get customers switching from UVERSE to DIRECTV (and vice versa) in order to get commission or increase sales. After they get you on the other side with promises, they leave you with all sort of problems and pulling your hairs.  This has been my experience so far, I am still dealing with the lack of information, consistency and processes between these two companies.. and in the meantime, they are getting my money. 


I was using Direct TV for Cable and internet, until I called AT&T about my mobile services and during the call the agent offered me the same package I had with Direct TV for a lower price if I switched to Uverse, (sounded good) she passed me to a supervisor to confirm the order (same package, lower monthly bill, Great!).  Uverse came and installed. I received my first bill and the following is the narrative of the nightmare I have been going through since May 2018 (2 months by now): 


1)  Direct TV hit me with an early cancellation fee of $300, which was not mentioned by the agent who sold me the Uverse Package. I called Customer Service arguing that charge and pointing out the fact that I was still an AT&T customer! Why the cancellation fee when a) my business was still with AT&T and b) If I had been informed about this fee during the SALES CALL, I would have stayed with Direct TV. After 3 very rude agents, open escalations and all sort of misinformation the Loyalty Department admitted that I had been given the wrong information and the charge was to be waived because it should not have been charged in the first place (I am still with AT&T!) -  Thanks Loyalty Department! 


2) The first bill with Uverse arrived and it was $55 higher than my previous bill with Direct TV. ($142.00 when I was paying $85.40 for the same services Cable and Internet!). Back on the phone with Customer Service. "What happened with the price I was offered back in April on the sales call?" They do not know. Whoever I spoke to during the SALES CALL offered me a plan they don't have in Uverse. I argue, please review the call (they are being recorded, right?) and you will be able to see the transcripts, what she offered me (same package lower price per month) and the confirmation from her manager. OK, we will open an investigation (June 19) I get a Case # and wait for response.... No answer. Yesterday (July 19) I get a bill for $734.00 (see point 3 below for details of this new addition to the story) $600 of it because I had not returned the DirectTV equipment and $134 for Cable and internet services. I asked the agent to give me an update on the investigation opened last month on the Rate offered vs the rate currently being billed. I provide him the Case # I was given. The agent does not have access to see the report or notes on cases in his system and can't track any of the stuff I had discussed prior to yesterday's call.  After spending 1h55M of my time yesterday, I begged him to please transfer me to a supervisor, all I want is for someone to look at my March Bill with DIRECT TV and match the package and the price I had before this nightmare with Uverse in order this chapter. His answer: I can switch you back to DIRECT TV. There is no way UVERSE could match the price .. Nooooooo ... I don't want to go back to Direct TV! The Dish is off my roof already, I dont want to set up all my network at home and devices, take time to wait for technician.. chase labels to return equipment (see 3 below) and go through this again! Please just match the price and let's move on. The phone ended with him offering me to call me back after he spoke with a supervisor. I am yet to receive a callback. 


My take is the following: Uverse sold me package that was a lie to get a commission ...and now Direct TV is forcing me to go back, to get another commission? .. because of whatever internal mess at AT&T?? .. It is very dishonest and abusive to treat customers like this for a few bucks.  


3) Back in June,  I still had all the Direct TV equipment in my kitchen. DirectTV was supposed to send returning instructions which had not arrived per email or per mail two weeks after the Uverse Installation. So, I had to follow up with them a few times (phone calls and my precious time being used here) because they technician had warned me that they would charge me if the equipment was not returned on time. Days after my second call, I received an email, and later a box with a return label, which I used and shipped the equipment back. Yesterday, I get the bill with a of $600 for the equipment. Turned out, DirectTV never received it! I was told that I had to provide the tracking number, which of course I did not keep a copy of the return label (I am a 95% online shopper and I never have problems with receiving or returning stuff via Amazon, etc.) It had not occurred to keep a copy of THAT return label) So, the answer I get: "You have to pay for the equipment if you do not provide a tracking number"! OK ..I got the email from DIRECTTV with the returning instructions and included there is tracking number that cannot be found by FEDEX. .... Is that my fault too? I reasoned with her: Why would I keep DirectTV equipment? What if the Warehouse lost it? Why can't I track the number provided in the email from DirectTV? Her answer: "You have to pay for the equipment if you do not provide a tracking number" .. "You have to pay for the equipment if you do not provide a tracking number".. as she got ruder and ruder. All of this is still open as I write this comment.... Unfortunately, I have lost all the credibility for DirecTV and how they manage their internal processes and misinformation. There is no continuity when Customer calls, they have no history of comments or decisions in their system. They can't track information provided to them or by them. As of right now, it is my word against them as of right now. But, I refuse to pay $600 for equipment I know I returned.


I will need to use my lunch break AGAIN to call AT&T today hoping someone will help me resolve these issues. I am sad and frustrated at the poor customer service.[Per Guidelines:  Keep it Relevant and Appropriate]. I am sure I am not the only person who is going through a similar situation ....Hopefuly this is resolved promptly.  I am tired of this by now. If anyone at the loyalty department or higher department is reading this. My account Number is *****. Call me please. Mr. [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]


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