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A_Pro's profile

6 Messages

Friday, June 7th, 2024 11:19 PM

Internet still winking out nearly daily, customer service no help

We keep losing internet.  It usually comes back but this is still frustrating.  SInce I refuse to talk to India, I communicated with CHAT.  Today I got a guy named "Joe" who seemed intelligent and helpful and knowledgeable.  I explained my situation and he responded intelligently and ended up telling me he had experience with many problems similar to mine, so I was confident there'd be no more outages.  Well for twenty minutes the service was great.  Then OUT again.   So I went to my public library and used their computer and logged into my acct again for another CHAT with "Parker."   I had just told this doofus that I was posting from my local public library, but two comments later he started the usual "troubleshooting" routine and asked me to update him on which lights were on with my router!!  Speechless, I reminded him that I WAS NOT HOME because the internet was out which was the REASON I was conversing with him.  Then I told him he might want to forward my chat conversation with him and Joe to a supervisor because I was DONE with this ridiculousness, and was thinking of closing my acct with ATT once and for all, after decades.  After coming home, things have been better but still  having brief outages.  I truly believe ATT needs to send someone out to my condo property in person to find the problem.  Poor customer service.  These people are nearly useless unless  you have some real stickler of a problem, like forgetting to plug in your router or something.

Accepted Solution



484 Messages

15 days ago

It might be. It might not be. While an intermittant connection may be the result of an old gateway, it is often due to other operational causes such as line quality or network equipment issues (DSL), cable issues (fiber) or capacity / wireless signal issues (fixed wireless / Internet Air). So if it continues to happen after the equipment replacement, you probably need a site visit by a technician to figure it out.

6 Messages

20 days ago

To the responder, I would never do business with a cheap spammer.  You must be desperate  posting an ad here anyway.

6 Messages

17 days ago

I just got this hilarious email from AT&T:

Hi A_Pro,

Good news! Someone has replied to your post. If it solves your problem, consider accepting it as a solution.

The one response I HAVEN'T gotten is any response from AT&T addressing the problem I was posting about.  Pretty incredible.  Do they expect their customers to diagnose and fix problems of other customers with their third rate service?

6 Messages

15 days ago

For anyone interested, I finally suggested that the two very old routers I had may well be the problem.  "Luna" at ATT chat arranged for me to  receive a new wireless router and that has apparently fixed the problems.

6 Messages

15 days ago

thechef, I suggested that they send a tech out early on, and I think they told me the outside lines checked out okay.  I have no idea what kind of resources they have at their disposal for checking remotely, but.....So far so good with the new router.  Thx.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

15 days ago

Support can run the same quality trsts a tech is required to close out an install or repair ticket.

If a problem was detected you would be told a tech appointment is required.

You can request a tech Dispatch On Demand (DOD) which is an automatic $99 to $149 service call that you are pre authorize for billing. This is most often used when customer refuses to spend time troubleshooting and just wants a tech on site.



484 Messages

14 days ago

> If a problem was detected you would be told a tech appointment is required.

You would think so but I ran into a similar problem as reported here. Care agents tried a few times to do resets from the network (multiple calls), followed by sending a new device to me (2x), which made things better but didn't completely fix items and only after I did an automated trouble reporting during an outage did a tech get scheduled. 

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