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loweredmyspeed's profile



3 Messages

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015 5:52 AM

Lowering my speed?

After years of good speed for our DSL connection, 3mbps speed tier, this past year has been terrible. Slow speeds averaging .76mbps dload unless it's about 2am! Only at "non-peak" times does our speed approach "acceptable" by AT&T's standards of a 3meg plan. Was told by AT&T customer service it was normal due to increased neighborhood traffic during peak times and that there was no guaranteed minimum. So we put up with it for months and months. I finally decided to call and check to see if we can increase our speed tier or if anything can be done after all this time had passed to solve the slow-down issue. I was told by an honest and knowledgable customer service rep this time that indeed there is a minimum of 1.5 mbps on the plan I'm on and that a tech would be dispatched to diagnose and fix the problem. Well, 3 techs later, they all identified that my line is fine, but my dload speed is slow because of so many subscribers on the DSL circuit. Has anyone ran across this issue before?  If so, were you able to come to any sort of resolution? They want to lower my tier to a 1.5 max mbps, stating they cannot deliver the speed we've been paying for over the past year because of the quantity of subscribers. My ping times are 10 to 20 milliseconds and my upload is great too, all the time. It's just my download speed that's unacceptable. I'm extremely frustrated and frankly shocked that in 2015 AT&T cannot increase the bandwidth to our neighborhood or put UVerse here. I'm shocked they would add more subscribers than they can actually handle. They are not delivering promised speeds and have not been for a long time. I don't want a lower speed, I want my speed problem fixed! I'd happily pay for UVerse and I know a lot of my neighbors would too. Furthermore I'm terribly upset they essentially lied and stole from us over the past year. I hope I'm not forced to go with a competitor since we've been loyal AT&T customers for over 7 years, cell phones and DSL. I've spoken with the Escalation dept every other day for the last two weeks and they've only succeeded in escalating my frustration and dissappointment in what I thought was a great company. Any advice on how to get a network engineer to solve this and then get AT&T to implement the solution would be greatly appreciated. There is fiber coming to the main box about a mile or less from my house, and I overheard a tech and the network ops center saying how there's about 250 households on 135mbps circuit. The math just doesn't jive.


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Former Employee


4.9K Messages

9 years ago

Hello, loweredmyspeed!

Thanks for posting. I'm sorry to hear that your internet speeds have decreased. We would be happy to look into this for you, so please click here to send us a private message with your contact information, the best time to reach you, and a brief description of the issue.


You can expect a reply within two business days, so keep an eye on the little blue envelope icon in the top right corner of your screen. In the meantime, feel free to message me with any other questions or concerns.






15 Messages

9 years ago

Good luck to you, loweredmy speed.

I have been paying for a 6Mb connection for years and consider myslef lucky when I get 3Mbs.

Many days  the speeds fall so low that I cannot connect to the web site I use to check the connection speed. It is not uncommon for the speeds to fall to 30 or 40 Kbps. Numerous tech visits always find that the fault is on their end; nothing wrong with my equipment. I have been told by more than one tech that the service has been oversold in my area and that AT&T does not have the infrastructure in place to provide the service they sold me. Unfortunately, there is no  other option for internet where I live, or I would be gone in a flash.




3 Messages

9 years ago

Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully att will see the posts like ours on here and do the right thing.



15 Messages

9 years ago

Don't hold your breath.




3.9K Messages

9 years ago

It is no secret that AT&T is phasing out DSL service, and has NO plans of expanding it. Probably not even a lot of motivation to maintaining it either, especialy if U-verse is comming to your area.


Can't say I am familiar with it, but I understand that at it's lowest tear, U-verse uses a dsl like connection to provide service. Beyond that, they have to use an RG, whatever that is. (Yes, I know it is called Residential Gateway. I just have no clue how it works.)


If more folks are using the bandwidth, then overall connects wil be slower. The only fix would be to upgrade to a wider data path, but since it is DSL, they will not upgrade or expand it.


Sad to say, my response is more of a non-answer, and not really anything that could help you. BUT, you may be one of the lucky ones who can switch over to the u-verse side, when/if it becomes available in your area, and based on the conversation you overheard, sounds like it might be.


Good luck, hope things work out for you.



3 Messages

9 years ago

Thanks, yes, I'm hoping they bring on uverse soon! We all have to live in the world we live in, so to speak, and reliable high speed connections are such a mandatory part of that nowadays.



21 Messages

9 years ago


My speed was just lowered today! I live in a downtown Los Angeles apartment complex, and 

the internet (Uverse 18-meg) went out yesterday. The serviceman came today and inspected the 

lines in the basement and told me that my speed was too high, and that the lines were all

overloaded and old, and that no one should have a speed of more than 16megs. I was sold 18 megs (of course) last Fall, in fact I was offered 24 megs but I declined it because of the high cost compared to the competitor. Now I learn that anyone with a speed over 16 max will burn out

in time and have to have service. He lowered my speed (he said) to 14, but a speed test

tonight shows that I have 10.5 mbps. Which is disgraceful for a city the size of LA, in the US.


I've been told I will be getting a lower rate. I am not holding my breath.


This happened in my last building too, in Mid-City. Promised a U-verse speed of 24 megs

by one sales person, while a follow-up call to another person reveals that "the wiring on that side of the building is all old, and no one can have U-verse there"


I do NO streaming of tv shows or movies, NO huge uploads, NO gaming. But I can hardly run a youtube video or open a website full of GIFS. I had faster internet in Mexico.


I'm about eight blocks from "1010 Wilshire" where all the fiber-optics for the west coast and the 

pacific ocean come in. You can look it up. It's a shame that downtown LA has such slow service

being right next to that operations center. (except for the banks, of course).


My wireless SSID has been named "U-verse of Disappointment"


Oh, well.. just thought I would add my story. here.

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