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csdahlberg's profile



4 Messages

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014 12:01 AM

New Receiver Fee and Wireless Receiver Fee

I'm looking into getting two additional receivers (for a total of four). Modifying my plan online to include two wired receivers results in a $49 "New Receiver Fee" (and with two wireless receivers a $98 "Wireless Receiver Fee"). I was under the impression that these fees are akin to installation fees, but I am perfectly capable of performing any installation myself. Is it possible to avoid these fees when adding receivers?

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

10 years ago

The $49 one-time fee for wireless receivers doesn't include professional installation; that is the do-it-yourself price..  As far as I can tell, it's a fee to cover the cost of the Wireless Access Point, the cost of shipping the equipment and a convenience fee to make a few extra bucks to paint the death star.  Plus, you get to pay the wonderful $8/month per receiver for each of them.

However, I did think that you only had to pay the $49/fee once if you ordered two at the same time.  It may be worth a call on the sales line to check.



2.4K Messages

10 years ago

@JefferMC wrote:


However, I did think that you only had to pay the $49/fee once if you ordered two at the same time.  It may be worth a call on the sales line to check.

You must pay $49 each even if you order two at the same time or order another later.



4 Messages

10 years ago

I stated that the $49 "New Receiver Fee" was for 2 new WIRED receivers.


Here are the fees I see when modifying my plan:

-For 1 additional wired, a $49 "New Receiver Fee"

-For 2 additional wired, a $49 "New Receiver Fee" (same as 1 new wired receiver!)


For the sake of this discussion, I'm only really interested in the fee for adding 2 wired receivers. With the fee for 1 additional wired and 2 additional wired being the same, the "New Receiver Fee" very much seems to be an installation fee.


EDIT: I misread the website the first time, so edited to remove incorrect comments in the beginning. Sorry.

ACE - Professor


5.9K Messages

10 years ago

When I inquired recently, a wired receiver was a $99 install fee. A tech has to install. Upon the recommendation of "mythoughts", I ordered a wireless receiver for $49 and installed it wirelessly. Then I hardwired it.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

10 years ago

Oh, sorry, I misread your post.  Well, then:

Wired receivers cannot be customer installed, and thus carry an installation fee which I thought would be $99 regardless of whether you added 1, 2 or even more (subject to a wire-run fee for more than 3 runs).

Wireless receivers can be customer installed.  They can be operated as wired receivers by using Ethernet cables to connect them back to the RG, so this is the only way to self-install a "wired" receiver, but you still have to pay a fee (and park the WAP as a doorstop somewhere).




4 Messages

10 years ago

Thanks for the information, but that sure is disappointing. All wiring is in place, and I even occasionally move receivers to both of the locations where the two new receivers would be connected. To have to pay for a tech to come out to simply plug them in is frustrating. Would you (or anyone else) happen to know the reasoning for requiring a tech visit?

ACE - Professor


5.9K Messages

10 years ago

There is more than just plugging them in. They have to be activated, verified, etc. Just order two wireless ones and then hardwire them after the wireless setup. Be aware the wireless ones can only be activated on a certain day and after a certain time. Either way you have to pay a fee of some kind.



4 Messages

10 years ago

Secondm conditions change and a tech visit insures not only an installation but upgrade ad testing.

The need for upgrading equipment and/or moving to CAT5 instead of coax is the best reason I've heard so far for not allowing self-installation of wired receivers. Thanks for your examples.


Are there any guidelines as to when equipment or wiring would be upgraded, or is it entirely up to the tech during the visit?

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