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4 Messages

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018 5:11 PM

Payment claim: money is gone from my acct, nothing has been done by AT&T. Next step?

About 2 weeks ago in July I found out that the payment (almost 200 dollars) I made in June 29th supposedly was not received by AT&T. Even though my bank account clearly states that the check was cleared on June 29th. Of course, I have the proof of payment from my bank, as well as copies of the front and back of that check! And the front of the check clearly states: At&T. So how come they don't know about the payment?

Anyways, I started dealing with this issue 2 weeks ago. I called to AT&T customer service and spent about 4 hours going through a process and talking to different representatives, who clearly had no idea what they are doing or what I should do in this situation. After a lot of effort and dealing with unprofessional people, I finally got through to some guy who at least (sounded like he) was willing to assist me. He gave me this email: UCpaymentclaims@att.com and instructed me to email a proof of payment: copies of the check, letter from the bank, etc. He said it should take about a week to resolve this problem.

I emailed the proof of payment there, assuming that Claims department will receive it and deal with this problem. I didn't hear back for a week, so last Tuesday I started calling them and trying to find out what's going on. Customer service lady told me nothing was done and the claim wasn't even started. She was very surprised, that nobody gave me a claim #. So she started a claim for me a week ago. Once again, I emailed the proof of payment to this email address, now already with the claim #. Well, one more week has passed and I just called to AT&T customer service again this morning to find out if anything has been done about my claim. Turns out, nothing has been done yet again! The lady I talked to just now, can't see any activity or anything at all, happening to my claim in order to find out what's happened to 200 dollars payment! (bundle payment for a month of service, here included: home phone, Internet, TV)

What's my next step?



13 Messages

6 years ago

I had the sam exact issue as you. It took about a month to clear everything up. When you call customer service they usually just transfer you to a representative in another country. Next time you call, and the automated machine asked, "Is the number associated with your phone the account you're calling about?" Obviously go through the normal stuff BUT when the machine asked, "What can I help you with?" YOU SAY "Loyalty Department." These are the people that will help you out. They are the guys who will be in your area (most of the time, based on your cellphone area code) and they try to figure out the issue. 


Here's the thing, you have to say that you are going to leave ATT&T if this situation is not fixed. These are the people who will do anything to keep you because they want to keep sucking money off of you. They fixed my issue. Before you even begin talking to the next representative or answering ANY questions, you have to ask, "Is this the loyalty department?" 


Good luck and leave ATT&T when your contract is up. They are evil because this isn't the last time they will screw you over. 




4 Messages

6 years ago

Hi Doming17: Thanks. I just talked to the Loyalty department like you suggested and although they wanted to be helpful, they were again not able to do anything/"locate the payment". They connected me to Accounts Receivable Department. The lady in the Accounts Receivable Dept. told me to once again re-send all the proof of payment to UCpaymentclaims@att.com 

I feel like I am in a Catch-22 and jumping through endless hoops... and without any result yet. So, today I did it for the 3rd time in the last 3 weeks. 

She told me they would call back in 3 days. 

We'll see. I am clearly very upset about this issue. 

Anyway, that' the news for now! 



4 Messages

6 years ago

Well, of course, nobody called me today from AT&T. What else did I even expect?? 



13 Messages

6 years ago

Are you still fighting the good fight? 



4 Messages

6 years ago

I finally found out what happened. And of course, NOT thanks to AT&T.

At&T has the worst customer service ever!!! 

They promise you they will get to the bottom of this and then they do absolutely nothing. They never get back to you. They never call you back as promised. 

Very disappointed in AT&T. 

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