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jacksonMississipi's profile

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1 Message

Saturday, June 3rd, 2023 4:15 AM


Hi Folks,

I want to ask how safe is saraplus in keeping customer information. I had an att dealer talked me into entering info with it. Saraplus basically an order entry software that ask customer for secure information. However I am not sure how secure it is with middle man. I was stupid to think that its actually att corporate that in on the call. He never mentioned he was dealer and I assumed he is ATT corporate representative since an actual ATT representative gave me the number. 

I am worried that the dealer is able to see my information and could use it potentialy bad things. 


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1 year ago

Hi @jacksonMississipi,
We want to help. Let’s meet in a Direct Message on this. Please check your Direct Message Inbox (it’s the chat icon next to the bell icon in the upper right corner of the forums).

AT&T Business Social Media

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1 year ago

Hello! Also asking about sara plus. Called AT&T and spoke with someone to give us AT&T fiber for home. They gave us a ghost order that never arrived. Had to go in store and create new account/replace the order. How secure was the information we shared? Our social security, address, other secure information. We have since had local numbers calling saying they are “AT&T Residential” requesting to speak to us. Can someone help?


1 Message

9 months ago

I am kind of sailing on same boat and worried about the order cancellation and the information I already shared.

1 Message

3 months ago

  1. I just had my first run-in with Saraplus, and it was not a good one. They promised me a package deal with direct TV for TV services. $120 per month and Comcast internet for $60 per month, all if I signed up for 2 years. Fine, the day after the direct TV was installed, I took my cable boxes back to Comcast, and they were going to change my internet to $120 per month since we no longer had the TV package. This is NOT what was agreed upon. After days of calls and complaints, I canceled my (Their Crap Deal) which they could never uphold, but Now I am SCREWED with having to pay $20 per month for service that I do not have and never agreed to. SARAPLUS is a scam seller to get you signed up with Direct TV with any means possible. Lie, cheat, scam a customer into paying for services NOT offered. Sending all this to the IL Attornies General for a formal complaint. 
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