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Estee912's profile



19 Messages

Thursday, March 29th, 2018 10:03 AM


Ok so after another 3hrs of getting then run around and passed off multiple times. Once again this happens at 10:21p.m. last night ,,........ And guess what.... Brace yourselves ..

STILLLLL NO SERVICE 21 DAYS LATER AND counting ...  can someone PLZ HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHY......CHAT PORTION INCLUDED BELOW. I mean if I misunderstood help me understand plz.    I mean ok don't want to INVOLVE an outside resource but come on.              

Chat as of 10:20p.m. wednsday night 

Philip : I can completely understand how you must be feeling, If I was in your shoe, I would have been equally upset with such situation.

Philip : I'll take complete ownership to resolve your query today on chat. I'll assure you that you do not need to contact us again for the same concern.

Me : Will my services be restored what I need to know if not I don’t want to escalate the situation but it will leave me no choice

Philip : I'm going to waive off the amount of $49.20 right now and your services will get restore automatically in next 1 to 2 hours.

Me : Will my services be restored what I need to know if not I don’t want to escalate the situation but it will leave me no choice I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude or anything it’s just im a bit frustrated

Philip : I totally understand your situation.

Philip : I will help you in this.

Me : really??

Philip : Yes 

Philip : You will be glad to know that I have apply the credit of $49.20 and the services will get restore in few hours.

Me : ty Phillip many blessings to you and your family. Thank you for your efforts

 Philip : Oh God thank you very much.

Philip : It really really means a lot.

Philip : Just relax now and have fun.

Me : couple hours ?? Ok great thank you

Me : Nothing more I need to do!? Will be restored

Philip : You're most welcome

Philip : 3



19 Messages

6 years ago

Ahhh and 2 hours after that promise .  chat selection below.    Ok so now in 48 HRS 3 times I've been told not to worry your ability to browse resumed . its now 630a. And guess what .inbound connection blocked still .plz someone help with solution .

kp674s : Give me 2 minute so that I can get your issue resolved as I am from the billing team so I assure you that I can waive out the $85.00 charges for you right away.
kp674s : It's okay!
kp674s : As once the charges will be waived out your services will be resumed automatically.

           ^^^^^^^^^^  he was actually from billing not dsl tech support  so what am I missing ???

Its not like I'm fabricating these statements.  Imma bout to scream !!!!!lol not really too early but come on @AT&T This is getting a bit ridiculous 

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

6 years ago

Why was your service terminated and what was the $49.20 charge?



19 Messages

6 years ago

Why?? Um here’s the short version. ...... back in January I called due to a intermittent period of about 6 months with 0 service. The rep was nice supportive and understanding. He stated due to technical issues full credit would have to be spilt into two. A portion right then and the rest no later then the next morning. I obviously believed his word was True.  Due to family in and out of hospital I didn’t worry about bill as my calculations brought me to end of feb/March. March 8 I believe I get disconnection notice and by the 12 suspended. When I called I was made aware that the second half of the credit wasn’t applied which brought my account past due as well as overdue. The 49.50 was to restore service due to iinconvenience etc. That was their calculations for credit not mine.    A lot happened after but that’s the whole reason for the situation. If he would have fulfilled his word none of this would be happening in my opinion.   

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