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KaliM00's profile



1 Message

Monday, June 25th, 2018 7:35 PM

Who do I get in contact with about a horrible customer service experience?

Who do I get in contact with about a horrible customer service experience? I called to get my internet moved into my new place and was placed on hold several times with no warning what so ever. Then when the man finally came back, he told me he was going to put me back on hold while he waited for my conformation number. I was on hold for 45 minutes!! I had received and email within 10 mins of him putting me on hold. He never picked the phone back up, therefore I had to disconnect due to me being at work. I still had questions about the process as well as questions about TV, and the veterans discount that the company offers. I am very disappointed by the way that I was treated by a company that I'm giving my hard earned cash to. 

Accepted Solution

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Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Hello @KaliM00,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community Forums. I apologize for how you were treated when calling in. This is definitely not how we want our interactions to be!It's my pleasure to ensure you're taken care of, and all of your questions are answered. Moving your services can be done in a few simple steps. Please begin by selecting "I already have AT&T residential service." as a current customer, then follow the given instructions. 

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know. Thanks for your time! Have a wonderful rest of the day.

Jess, AT&T Community Specialist



1 Message

6 years ago

I have tried for three weeks to have you guys come to my house to install my new internet.   And every time I call I get no where.   As a matter of fact you cancelled my install that was scheduled for today.   And you didn't even tell me.  I've been without internet for approximately three weeks.   And you guys are doing nothing except keep me on the phone for an average of 45 minutes per call.  I just want some internet. 



1 Message

6 years ago

My husband and I have been with ATT over 20 yrs and today, I had the worse customer service ever. I was misinformed by 2 people on how to resolve my problem and transferred 4 times and I convienely was hung up on when I asked to speak to a manager. Long term loyal customers does not mean anything to ATT so I will be looking for alternative wireless services elsewhere. 



88 Messages

6 years ago

I agree, Its the worst customer service I have ever seen, they are no help at all...all they care about is if your going to pay your bill with them so they can charge you $5, pathetic!



88 Messages

6 years ago

AT&T Needs to be cleaned out and rebuilt, so it is a stand up company, because right now truly GARBAGE!



88 Messages

6 years ago

All they care about is extorting money from its clients by adding charges to your bill that are incorrect! 



88 Messages

6 years ago

Now see, this is the response you get, seems that their words are a lot stronger then their actions, they dont have to call and speak with several people a day just trying to get services fixed, I have been trying to get mine repaired for the last 3 months and my service is down and they are still saying I am using data, even when my services are down, what's wrong with this picture. Seems that management does not care at all about how customers are treated!



88 Messages

6 years ago

My question is why is Customer Service so Bad, maybe you can answer that for me?



88 Messages

6 years ago

Contact the FCC and file a complaint, many of us here in the community are doing the same!



1 Message

5 years ago

After being on the phone for an hour, I am so mad I am shaking.  All I asked for was to talk to a person in the US.  My bill went up 36.76.  I can't understand the foreigners and they don't have the authority to change my bill.  If someone reading this does not tell me how to talk to someone in the US, I will cancel my account and I have been a customer for many years.  

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