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alexander521's profile



1 Message

Friday, September 13th, 2019 8:25 PM

You are the worst company in America

I do a large amount of tech stuff myself - build my own computers, etc. I've had AT&T for about 7 months. On Aug 31 this year, my Internet went down. You guys sent me a new router. That didn't work. 

You guys then tried to send me a THIRD router, instead of a technician. That was obviously stupid. 
I said no, and set up a technician appointment. This became the first of 5 completely useless technician appointments. Here's how those appointments went:
The first 3 times, your technicians arrived, messed around, and left without fixing the issue, muttering various excuses about "needing to get home." 
The 4th time, your technician arrived 3.5 hours late, failed to fix the issue, left wires hanging out of my wall, and left his tools lying around my apartment. He had to come back and get them later that night. I'm pretty sure he was high. 
The 5th time, your technician didn't even show up. They assured me they had set an appointment for 8:30AM the following morning, and then didn't come, making me miss work for no reason - FOR THE FIFTH TIME. 
When I called about this issue, I heard - for the sixth time - "When can you be home to let our technician in?" Do you guys even HAVE a real technician on your staff, or is it just Cheech & Chong?
I will not use yet another sick day so that your half-trained clods can clown around my apartment and pretend they're fixing things. They clearly don't know what they're doing, and you clearly don't care. 
I have been without service for more than two weeks. In the meantime I have been powering all my Internet needs through my phone, which - thank God - is with Verizon. They're WAY better than AT&T. If you're reading this, and you haven't bought yet - GET VERIZON. 
AT&T: you are pathetic. Worst company in America.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hello @alexander521,

To fully assist with this situation further, we will need to look over your account in more detail.

I am sending you a private message (PM) to help in this matter. Please check your forums private messages by clicking the Forums Inbox. Locate the PM from ATTCares and reply to my message with your specific account details.

I look forward to your response and the opportunity to help you!

Charles, AT&T Community Specialist

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