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megaman1977's profile

1 Message

Saturday, September 2nd, 2023 3:54 PM

Internet Air IP address keeps changing

I just got Internet Air and really love the speed for streaming.  
But Hulu Live keeps showing our IP address keeps changing and throwing off our Home location.  
How can we keep this from happening?  
Other streaming services do not seem to be having this issue like Disney plus or Netflix.

New Member


54 Messages

10 months ago

You get what you pay for. I have the same problem with Hulu. Hulu cannot get the guide to recognize my correct time. Canceleing Hulu. Going to spend a little more for YouTube TV after a 21-day free trial.

34 Messages

10 months ago

I also just got Internet Air and have YouTube TV. I noticed the current playback area changed to another state based on the IP address. However, was able to use the YouTube TV app on my cell phone to verify my actual location.



8 Messages

10 months ago

Has AT&T arrived at a solution yet?   Only streaming services that require locality are impacted by the changing IP addresses - Netflix doesn't care where you login from vs say YouTube TV or Hulu which both depend on your locality to determine your local channels.   YouTube TV uses the IP address to determine location when trying to login from a TV.   It appears accessing the service through an iPad/iPhone/Browser is different since all use location services that are built-in to the device/browser to allow YouTube TV to determine login location and not an IP Address.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

10 months ago

ATT AIR is using CGNAT, you receive a private IP from a pool from an upstream device that has the public IP address. This is same or similar to ATT Fixed Wireless using 4G LTE while ATT AIR is mid spectrum 5G.

ATT AIR is FWA or Fixed Wireless Access, not hardwired internet with public IP address.



9 Messages

10 months ago

I installed Internet Air a week ago and haven’t been able to view content on Netflix and Prime. ATT Internet Air support team acknowledged the ip address problem, but their solution is for me to call Netflix and Prime Video and ask them to “white list” me and somehow they won’t be looking for my normal ip or something. Since the support team had absolutely nothing else to suggest to solve the problem, I called Netflix customer service and explained the situation and asked to be white listed. Of course, they had no idea what I was talking about, as I thought would be the case. I still have access to my old internet and everything works fine there as usual. Problem is only with Internet Air. Everyone at ATT pretends they don’t know about any problem so far. The big egg is going back because ATT JUST LAID A BIG ONE.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

10 months ago

Hello @Hosed, thanks for reaching out, we'll be glad to assist you. To speak with our AT&T Internet Air customer service team, please contact us at 800.288.2020. They are available 10.00AM- 7.00 Pm CST, 7 days a week.



8 Messages

10 months ago

Hey @Hosed - I configured Internet Air around the same time as yourself.   Regarding Netflix and Prime TV that's weird behavior.  I use both and those appear to be running fine for myself using IA connectivity.   Those apps don't have locality restrictions like YouTube TV or MLB.tv which use your location (IP address) to determine content.



8 Messages

10 months ago

Hello @ATTHelp - I have location restriction issues using Internet Air connectivity but only with certain streaming apps as I've described in my posts here.   I tried calling AT&T Internet Air customer service yesterday and gave up after being on hold for > 1 hour.    Will try again during the week.   Are you able to at least provide an indication here that a potential solution is available or being worked on?

Community Support


232.9K Messages

10 months ago

Hey again @dh11, 

We understand and would be glad to help you out. 

Our AT&T Internet air customer service team should be your first point of contact for Internet air - related issues, please contact us at 800.288.2020. They are available from 10am-7pm central, 7 days a week.


JamesR, AT&T Community Forums Specialist

9 Messages

10 months ago

Hey @dh11,

Thanks for commenting. Seems people have different services that aren’t working for them, as I see Hulu problems mentioned too. Utube is working fine for me, but Netflix & Prime Video will open, show menu, but as soon as I try to play something it starts and stops after a few seconds and says there is a problem. Connect back to my old dsl and they both work fine. Good luck.

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