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upupandaway's profile



14 Messages

Monday, May 6th, 2024 11:35 AM

New Internet Air: help connecting to congested tower

Can someone tell me how to connect to a tower that is 'too congested' according to ATT IA CS tech? I have been on the phone (800-888-2020) with CS for 3 days. Do I really need to spend another day on the phone? I want to add, hopefully someone who actually cares about the reputation of ATT and not just the profits is listening, we have been customers for over 40 years. We had SWBell and I actually worked for them during the summer while in school. We now have a location with UverseTV and Fiber Internet and 4 wireless devices connected to ATT. You can do the math and see we pay over $550 a month for ATT. Fixed Wireless has worked for us at a remote, rural location. Why cancel our service and then substitute a device that will not or cannot work at our location?

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

2 months ago

First if have fiber do not want to cancel for AIR (FWA) which is not as fast or reliable as fiber.

AIR will not support Uverse TV service therefore will be canceling that which will reduce your monthly billing by a substantial amount.

IF looking for a redundant backup service to fiber may want to consider FWA product from T-Mobile or Verizon if AIR cannot work at your location.




14 Messages

2 months ago

I'm sorry, I have confused the issue. We have two locations, one with Uverse and Fiber near a very large city. The other is a remote, very rural location, very small towns, with no fiber or cable available. We are here for at least 6 months. That is why we first had Hughesnet (UGH!) and then 4 years ago, changed to ATT Fixed Wireless. It was considerably faster than HN but had begun to slow and also charge extra when we exceeded our data limits. That is why I thought? the 'egg' Internet Air might actually be a better option. Now, I need it to actually work/connect at this remote, rural location where we have few other options, probably Elon Musk's Starlink (UGH!).



14 Messages

2 months ago

I also received the letter that our Fixed Wireless (FW) would be disconnected/discontinued and we would need to set up the Internet Air (IA). Right. I spent 4 days trying to make the connection, moved it to every window in our cabin, plugged in/out, reset multiple times, talked to at least 5 different IA techs (800-288-2020), each one had a great excuse why it would not connect, tower was being repaired for 24 hours, tower was too congested--wait 4 hrs and 'a miracle will occur,' etc, etc, etc. FINALLY,  after 4 days, a gentleman named Shaun was honest with me. There was not a tower within range enabling the IA to pick up a signal. ATT "theory" is once you are connected to a tower all of the issues will disappear. So, I would 'be allowed' to continue using the FW. Now, I am waiting to hear from someone how to return the IA, and also, maybe? some kind of time table on the life of FW?

I am going to try calling and talking to someone who can actually give me correct and HONEST information. At this point, I am not sure honesty is a real priority with ATT and their 'customer service' culture.

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