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Steph_is_fed_up's profile

3 Messages

Saturday, April 6th, 2024 3:15 AM

On-Going Intermittent Extended Connectivity Issues - impacting InternetAir & Mobile Services, Poor quality when connected, AT&T DENIES

Due to extended connection issues in November, we filed an FCC complaint against AT&T which landed our account under monitoring by AT&T Office of the President, Elisabeth Hall. We were advised that Fixed Wireless was being discontinued and we'd have to upgrade to Internet Air which we did reluctantly. AT&T responded to the FCC complaint indicating that they are working with us to resolve our issue…

Our issues (and our neighbors) continue and have only gotten worse. Our cell service is also impacted during the multiple, ongoing intermittent periods of extended service outage. When I'm able to make connectivity with a live rep, most often my call drops due to not being on a registered network or poor wifi signal and when connection momentarily restores, we get flooded with notifications that we can't review due to connection drop nearly immediately. Most of the time of we've gotten anywhere in a troubleshooting call, we're told that our tower is operating normally and we are having no issues to which I reply "IF THERE WERE NO ISSUES, I WOULD NOT BE CALLING". I've been told to reset the equipment multiple times in almost every call, to relocate the Hub which had been placed with view of the tower that serves us... we see the air traffic warning lights of this tower from our home AND it is NOT a "line of sight" (point-to-point) transmission tower.

3 new complaints have been served on AT&T in March 15 due to the latest on going issue - 1 to the FCC, 1 BBB and a Formal Notice of Dispute toward Arbitration directly to AT&T's legal department and not one have them has received any communication to date. Service has been primarily non-existent and when it does connect, it is of the worst quality (speed, buffering etc) that we have EVER experienced and I personally did not think that was possible. Yesterday alone, the connection dropped an hour earlier than the day before (which was an hour earlier than the day before that) and remained down until after we went to bed. One rep in particular earned accolades for being the most arrogant person I've encountered in all of my calls since November. Colby (or Coby - not assumed to be US located sadly) proclaimed repeatedly that I was not experiencing an AT&T related issue, of have to reset AGAIN, relocate my hub and if that didn't work he'd replace the equipment that I received brand new at the first of this year. Our call got dropped as I was protesting explaining AGAIN that if my neighbors weren't also having the same problem, I'd be willing to try that. The voice mail I was finally able to listen to in entirety (and I did save it to include in follow up to my complaints) repeated his conversation with an attitude and ended with "There is NO issue with your tower - I checked it.  Bye-bye."

Another rep partially redeemed AT&T by actually looking at our error logs and did indicate that she saw multiple errors in spite of the tower operating "normally". I suggested to her, as I have with other reps, they AT&T send a tower/signal certified tech/ lineman to investigate for sources of interference while our neighborhood is actively experiencing the issues we're reporting with no current resolution. She agreed that would make sense.

I have documented over 78 calls to/from AT&T for my issues since November, 38 of them between March 04, 2024 and March 14, 2024 and 19 between March 30 & April 2, 2024. I have reached out to my community through first hand accounts and Facebook group discussions to inquire of similar issues locally.  The response I received in a short time was alarming. There are many more stories like mine to varying degrees of escalation and lack of response, no resolutions to speak of. One such response literally brought me to tears because a family dealing with terminal illness can not live in their home due to AT&T’s failures which impose detriment to their health and welfare. AT&T issues have prevented reliable access to outgoing and incoming medical care related calls. Yet any time that one of us calls, we are told that we are the only one with an issue. 

Am I the only one as I have been told repeatedly or has anyone shared in my pain?  I have attached screenshots and clips of emails with the Office of the President further documenting the details of our complaints.

Thank you in advance.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

3 months ago

Hi Steph_is_fed_up,


Hope you're doing well!


We understand your concern and would like to point you in the right direction.


The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs. This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns. To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact us : https://www.att.com/support/contact-us/, and choose the best option to reach out to us. You can call, chat, or reach out via social media, and we can review your specific issue and provide you support. If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.


Thank you for visiting the AT&T Community Forums. 

Emma, Community Forums Specialist.


3 Messages

3 months ago

I have taken all of the actions that you've mentioned and gotten absolutely nowhere. I've posted publicly with tags to FB and X, including responding via DM where I still have not received a response. I've now filed 2 FCC Consumer Complaints, a BBB Consumer Complaint and filed a formal Notice of Dispute to AT&T Legal. I had brief contact with the Office of the President after my first FCC filing in November but have not been able to reach my contact since their list message to me on 12/26/2024. 

Please explain EXACTLY how a regular customer is supposed to be able to actually reach anyone who gives a rip? Everything I've done so far had gotten me no further than to seek legal representation.

3 Messages

3 months ago

I keep getting messages to accept the reply as an acceptable solution which it absolutely is not. Typical of AT&T

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