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2 Messages

Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 11:10 PM

2Wire Model 3801HGV: Intermittent restart of modem.

ManufacturerPace Plc
Hardware Version000778-004
Software Version6.11.1.29-enh.tm


I've given up calling tech support at this point. This has been on ongoing issue since March of this year. Here's the run down. Appologize for the wall of text:


TL; DR: Modem intermittently restarts itself knocking me out of Wifi and TV service. Happens once or twice a week. Modem has been replaced with a brand new one (As of May I'm the first owner) and is connected directly to wall with it's own power supply.


- Setup service in March 2015.

- Not long after, I would get disconnected from wifi while on the computer or watching TV.

- I noticed that the lights on modem (which Is in the living room and I can see at all times) were all off except for the power. A few seconds later it would go off and then back on and I can hear a *click* sound indicating it restarting itself.

- Happened two to three more times, until I finally contacted tech support.

- Support did their thing, we ran speed tests, etc. They said everything looks fine on their end so they sent a tech to replace the modem.


- Modem is now replaced, but issue continued.

- Called support again, this time speed test results were very low, so they decided to replace it again with a brand new never before used modem.


- Issue persists.


- I later realized that the modem was connected to a VoIP backup battery power supply (I had VoIP service at one point but later disconnected ther service since I no longer needed it) and there was a yellow sticker in the back saying that that was a no-no.

- I called tech support again and had them send out a power adaptor for the modem only. They sent a tech for the 3rd time to re-check everything and I he gave me the new power adaptor and I direct connected to wall.


- Lo and behold. . .issue persists.


- Still happens about once or twice a week and i've just been living with it since.


Any help or suggestions from the community would be much appreciated. 


Thank you.



2.4K Messages

9 years ago



Have you tried moving it to a different wall outlet if possible to see if it still continues?


Any nearby devices that could be causing power problems with your gateway?


Since you've had your power adapter and modem replaced a few times, I think it may be something on your end. I have used two 3801HGVs on that firmware and never had any rebooting issues.


You may have to go on a little investigation hunt on what the problem may be.


As a last resort, I suppose you could try to have them give you a different model gateway(Arris NVG589) and see if it makes any issues.




2 Messages

9 years ago

Thank for the reply.


Before I moved it to it's own outlet, it was connected to a power stirp on a different outelt, so I'm hesitatant to think power outlet can be the cause.


After I posted this question, it happeend again, not 40mins after it had done it again. Since it's very possiblt it might be something on my end, what should I look out for? 


What and how would nearby devies cause the modem to have power issues? The modem is in the same "cube-box-table" as the DVR, a Bridged Airport Extreme (for more ethernet ports) and the ATT WPS box. They are spaced and situated so that heat isnt really an issue from what I can tell.





2.4K Messages

9 years ago



It's kind of hard to isolate any problems since you mention it happening every few days. It would be kind of hard to check everything one by one. Techs usually mention that devices connected to the gateway with a wire could sometimes cause issues, and as "my thoughts" had recently mentioned "foreign voltage from your hardwired devices feeding back to RG."


There was a few people who claimed that they had line issues and once they had them resolved, their rebooting stopped. However, that seemed to be primarily reported with the NVG589.


When I had a 3801HGV, I noticed they would get very hot even when I left them out on the open. I should also note that you shouldn't have your equipment inside enclosures for heat issues. Also, they should be more out in the open for better wireless distribution.


There are just many possibilities to your issue. You replaced the gateway and power supply, but who knows, maybe you're just unlucky and received two defective ones.


You should just get a tech out before you drive yourself insane. Try to get the newer NVG589 gateway in the process, just to have something different. This is pretty much just an investigation hunt that would take you forever.



1 Message

8 years ago

Has this problem been resolved?  This same thing has been going on for me with this same modem/router for forever now and I am about at my wits end!



2 Messages

8 years ago

Still happens for me. They have a new model that some people are getting emails to upgrade too. I wish they would send me an upgrade offer as it is rare they voluntarily replace your old home hardware unless it is nonfunctional.

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