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Lillimorse1's profile

1 Message

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 9:46 PM

AT&T Overhead Line removal


Do you  have a contact for AT&T Overhead Line removal in a community in Julian, CA. The community is having utilities undergrounded and wants the dead communication lines to come down for pole removal.

Thank you



200 Messages

19 days ago

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

19 days ago

Has ATT copper wiring service been moved underground yet, with working services active on the buried lines?

If not, would not expect any removal of lines as would leave customers without service…

I am not seeing 92036 as having fiber service in the zip code, difficult to beleave they would spent resources on burying copper from aerial service thus may leave the copper on the poles. Just my thought…

Edit… if the poles belong to the power company, they should be the one notifying ATT as ATT is leasing space, paying a fee, to be on the pole.


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