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Susana3350's profile

1 Message

Monday, April 22nd, 2024 9:50 PM

Buried AT&T cable

We are putting our fence up on our property, utilities came to flag every cable they own. We had to call them back because when we started digging we found a cable that was not flagged so they came back again to tell us that on one side it was dead cable that we could continue our work, on the other side he said it was active.  We have been trying to figure out who do we have to call or how to place a trouble ticket to move the active cable that is literally on our property line that is inhibiting us from finishing our fence.



19.7K Messages

2 months ago

Utility easements vary from area to area. Usually from the property line to at least 8 feet on either side of the property line. Since you're building a fence within an easement, they aren't going to move their cable, dead or otherwise. When you build anything within an easement you do so at your own risk. Your local taxing authority will have records on the size and placement of easements. 

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