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dfluke's profile



3 Messages

Monday, September 29th, 2014 3:24 AM

connection drops from vrad/vdsl line uv realtime error table is full of problems- my wiring or at&t

My uverse equipment was serviced maybe 2 months ago or so.. I got a full replacement of the remote gateway and all stbs. went with 2 wireless and 1 wired unit. (I do not have voip, just pots phone service)


I've got an 3801hgv rg, a small vap2500 (for the wireless stbs) and my netgear router plugged into the rg. 


I've been battling intermittent connection failures for around 2 weeks now and a few days ago installed uvrealtime to see about diagnosing some problems, since the uverse tech had been out before, I'm guessing this has to do with my coax line "internal wiring". The connection from my NID to my RG is an RG6 coax line. Everything else from the RG is wireless or ethernet. (wireless is only on my netgear router and the separate uverse stb thing, disabled wifi on RG)


The tech who was out before encouraged me to replace the RG6 coax with a ethernet (cat5e or better) cable. I could pull a new 100 foot cable, but before I do, I would like to know what some experienced users here know about uveraltime's error table. From what I can tell, I've got a ton of problems. 

Note: when I have a dropped connection, it affects my Internet connection and Uverse TV connection. It seems pretty random, but when watching TV, it will stall for around 1 minute and then come back. I can see the lights on my RG flashing like crazy, then go back to normal.


Here's my screen shots:








Thanks so much for any info and input.


3 Attachments



3 Messages

10 years ago

Been doing some research and came across a thread about other equipment causing problems. I did get a new laser printer, but it has been in service before these issues started happening and is powered off most of the time.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

10 years ago

What you have is a lot of errors, not tons of problems....


Max sync available 58+M very good, SN over 15, short loop length all very good.


I strongly follow ATT policy of no coax home run (diplexer or not), the twisted pair cat5 or cat6 will improve your numbers, especially as your stating 100 feet of coax on an estimated 700 total feet loop Vrad to RG....


The upload is below 5M required for 32M profile, suspect this may be where errors and reboots are coming from... 


Recommend another tech visit, primarily monitor at NID.... If no errors from outside to NID, then issue is inside home, coax definitely should be replaced... If errors showing outside, likely a grounding or flaky scotchlok connection in the couple hundred feet of wiring, uverse tech can determine and create helper ticket for outside lineman.

Community Support


6.7K Messages

10 years ago

Hi @dfluke ,


I am so sorry about the issues you are having with your U-verse service, but I will be glad to help. I would like to run some more tests, and I will be sending you a private message to gather more information.


-David T



3 Messages

10 years ago


So before I got too crazy pulling new lines and stuff I decided to try and eliminate any extra things that might be a problem in the line itself. The RG6 coax was new a couple years prior, so I just wanted to see if I had to replace it or not. My coax runs through the attic and down the wall where I terminated it to a barrel connector in a small box that I've got for my phone lines, cable lines, etc. I plugged the coax line straight into the modem, eliminating the barrel connector and the cable AT&T provided me and it has been smooth sailing for the past day or so. No errors at all.


I'm going to reset the remote gateway and collect data for a day or two and post my results again to see if the upstream bitrates need looking at.

Community Support


6.7K Messages

10 years ago

Hi @dfluke,


That is great to hear! I am glad it appears that everything is up and working the way it should be now. Let us know if there are any issues, and we will be happy to help.


-David T

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