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PolterGeist's profile



6 Messages

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012 8:14 PM

Gateway Issue w Toshiba VoIP Phone

My 2Wire 3800 gateway I just received from ATT is not working with my Toshiba IPT2010-SD and the ATT technician just says it's incompatible which I find hard to believe.  It worked fine with my prior service provider's modem.

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6 Messages

12 years ago

I got it working finally after discovering the MAC# labels on the voip phone is completely different than the MAC# that the 2Wire identifies when connected by Ethernet port.  Originally assumed it was a MAC # for ATT provided device since didn't match anything of my company or personal devices.  Once that riddle solved I opened access to through firewall via DMZplus setting. 


Thanks for your assistance and patience...lesson learned on trusting labels.     



10.1K Messages

12 years ago

PolterGeist - IP phones can be tricky getting everything set up right. You could check with Toshiba to see if they have any suggestions.


Found this suggestion - http://forums.att.com/t5/forums/forumtopicprintpage/board-id/uverse-voice_setup/message-id/3996/print-single-message/true/page/1



6 Messages

12 years ago

Thanks...I've pulled my hair out and now regretting changing internet service providers and may just cancel Uverse and revert back to old provider over this since I was assure my VoIP phone wouldn't be an issue from ther very beginnging.  My IT is seeing if our Toshiba phone system vendor has any ideas...rediculous experience so far due to time I've waisted with this VoIP connectivity issue.

New Member


25.7K Messages

12 years ago

Last person that had issues, found out that was their IT department that was at fault, which it took the vendor in pointing it out, not ATT.



6 Messages

12 years ago

Well I wish is was an issue with my IT department, but after spending hours on the phone with multiple ATT techs and the TechConnect service no one has ownership of the solution.  The best I can tell is ATT requirements for the 2Wire 3800HGV-B they deploy purposfully prevents usage of non ATT voip phones.  The solution someone provided with the 2Wire 3600 doesn't work for the 3800 as it does not even recognize a device present for the port the voip phone is plugged into.  But this is one riddle I'm done spending any more time on and going back to comcast service/modem where my voip phone was a non issue and just plug and play.

New Member


25.7K Messages

12 years ago

You could always try opening the ports needed in Application tab in firewall, for the Phone IP. Have they swapped out phone equipment to make sure that you do not have a bum phone?



6 Messages

12 years ago

Now phone equipment swapped out...just ordered Uverse TV and internet for my home office to replace comcast.  I have a voip phone my company sent me to use for home office and works fine when plugged into comcast modem, but not with 2Wire.



6 Messages

12 years ago

Meant "no" phone equipment swapped out.

New Member


25.7K Messages

12 years ago

Here is a link to where someone helped a user connect a VoIP Toshiba phone to their office phone system thru a 2 Wire.  It's a differnt type Toshiba phone but the ports needed should be the same for all Toshiba phones.



10.1K Messages

12 years ago

Good for you - never give up - Thanks for providing closure - most posters are not as thoughtful
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