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7 Messages

Wednesday, July 27th, 2016 2:02 AM

Gigapower details. Up/down channels, what kind of wifi router comes with it?

So I am considering getting gigapower as it was just dug into the neighborhood. I have questions that could not be answered by customer service in chat. 

1. How many upload and download channels are provided?

2. How many upload download channels is the router provided capable of handling?

3. I was told the "residential gateway" has built in wifi. What is the speed of the wife router and is it N or AC?

4. I have an AC1900 wireless router now. Can I use it with the residential gateway as I am assuming some rather outdated wifi router under 300mbs and using N is in the gateway.


Thanks for the information, my zip code is 30102 if this helps narrow down the location of the gigapower service.





7 Messages

8 years ago

If you enter you will enter your router settings and it should show how many upload/download channels are provided, for anyone on gigapower. This is the most common router IP address.



13 Messages

8 years ago

I just had Gigapower (100mbps only) installed this weekend. I received a Pace 5268AC, which has 4x4 MIMO for ac. It supports my speeds (usually pulling about 125 up and 125 down even over wireless so long as I am not 4 walls over). I am not sure how many channels or connections it supports. 


Here is a link to a data sheet for the RG:




It has been good so far with decent range. No other issues, though you should turn off IPv6 as soon as you install so that you avoid some of the latency problems others have experienced. I have an Asus AC68U, but haven't decided if I want to use that as my router or not. 


And yes, you can use your own router behind the RG by turning on DMZ+. 







7 Messages

8 years ago

That is good that ATT is giving you more mbs than you are paying for. Comcast does the same thing. I looked at the 5268AC. I hope that there is a router that is not attached to a triple play without the VOIP and wireless. I have not had a home phone in over a decade. I would absolutley use my own wireless router as it is a MU-MIMO, which is the next step up for AC routers.

The number of channels down/up I am still hoping someone can give me. Comcast is 24 down channels and 4 up, which matters if you have a "connected" household as I do. 15 different devices could be hitting the router at the same time. Channels matter to latency, which a good cable router and wireless router can manage. 

I am leaning back toward comcast. The 1gig speed stuff is fairly over rated. As I understand it ATT gives you one TB of total usage, which at 1gb/s would get eaten up in 16.6 minutes at full speed download. That tells you that most people do not need that high of speed anyway.

I like my Arris Surfboard 6190 paired with my Linksys EA7500, which I wish ATT would allow you to use your own cable and wireless routers and 90mb/s is fast enough.

I just have an issue wrapping my head around the 1gig speed with TV for $120-$160. Do I need it, and will the latency be affected if there are only say 10 channels down.





13 Messages

8 years ago

I would be interested in knowing how many channels are supported as well. That isn't something I have any knowledge about, and I didn't see it when I went to the gateways administration page. I agree that 1Gbps is probably overkill for most people. I have the 100mb and find it is more than I probably need at this point (regular internet usage and 3-4 streaming devices at a most), but I love having equal upload and download bandwidth. Latency also appears to be pretty good even over the wirless router. (About 11ms over wireless to a server 260 miles away, got 9ms when plugged directly into the RG to the same server). 

With AT&T I believe that you can still used the EA7500, just use the RG as a gateway only. I cannot comment on the data cap because i have direcTV. If you have DirecTV or uVerse TV the data cap is removed. I assume this is because you can stream from DirecTV onto a device which would use a good amount of data if you do it alot. I happen to use that feature occasionlly on our iPad so I am thanful that the cap is removed. 


Also, if you aren't aware, know that if you get Gigapower you will have to consent to their tracking your internet usage. The belief is that they are using deep packet inspection, so unless you are using a VPN or SSH regularly, they are watching everything you do and using it to provide advertising. If you don't want them to do that, you have to pay something like 29 dollars a month, plus I don't believe they will waive the installation and equipment fees. (in the end, it will end up costing more than $29.00 a month because of the other lost benefits). 



13 Messages

8 years ago

You should also research AT&T's "Internet Preference Program." You are getting a good price because AT&T monitors ALL of your usage. Some reports suspect they are using deep packet inspection. If you don't want them to track you, it will cost you an additional $29 a month, plus I don't believe that they will waive your equipment fee and installation fee, so it ends up being significantly more than $29. 


Here is AT&T's explanation: 




and a few other sources:









7 Messages

8 years ago

Ok I guess I stay with comcast.

1. I like my cable router it performs better than any supplied routers, and this use only AT&T's broadband equipment is annoying.

2. I cannot find out channels up and down.

3. The pay extra to not be spied on is horrible.

4. I am fine paying $103/m for 90mb/s and  basic HD TV and that is without a contract and not a special pricing through Comcast, AT&T I would have to have an agreement and the price would jump from $120/m to at least $180/m once the term ends, and that is just for basic TV and Internet. Having HBO/Showtime/Netflix/Amazon Prime seperate from the cable companies is the way to go. I turn on HBO/Showtime when the series start that I want to watch and then turn them back off plus they are cheaper or the same in Showtimes case.


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