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24 Messages

Sunday, March 25th, 2012 1:40 PM

Hooking a printer into Residential Gateway



Is it possible to plug a printer into the gateway using USB (preferably) or Ethernet and have it show up as a print device on my UVerse home network? If so, please give any instructions on Trusts/Firewalls, etc. Right now it is shared throught a windows share on a desktop upstairs that I'd like to get rid of. Rather not buy a wireless printer if I can plug the wired one into the gateway.


Any help appreciated.



Accepted Solution

Official Solution



5.7K Messages

12 years ago

The printer drivers must be installed on every PC that will be sharing it. 


The Netger N600 dual band router has a USB port that can be used to turn your non-wireless printer into a wireless network printer.  That router costs around $80 and for that money you can purchase a new wireless printer with air-print (for iPads and iPhones) and, in HP's case, E-print which provides a special E-mail address for the printer.....allowing you sent a document or photo to your printer from anywhere via E-mail.  (that is as long as you leave it turned on all the time).

Accepted Solution

Official Solution



5.9K Messages

12 years ago

@aviewer wrote:
jlandwehr -
How about a USB to network adapter ? -http://sewelldirect.com/Networking/ComputerComponents/USBDongles

Those are for computers without network adapters not printers.




These, on the other hand, look like they should give the OP what they're looking for at a reasonable price: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Productcompare.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=%2D1&IsNodeId=1&Description=usb%20printer%20server&bop=And&CompareItemList=%2D1%7C33%2D704%2D067%5E33%2D704%2D067%2DTS%2C33%2D139%2D009%5E33%2D139%2D009%2D06%23




How can you be in two places at once, when your not anywhere at all?
I really want to become a procrastinator, but I keep putting it off.
There are three kinds of people, those that can count, and those that can't.
“Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature has made them." :Bertrand Russell



5.9K Messages

12 years ago

@jlandwehr wrote:



Is it possible to plug a printer into the gateway using USB (preferably) or Ethernet and have it show up as a print device on my UVerse home network? If so, please give any instructions on Trusts/Firewalls, etc. Right now it is shared throught a windows share on a desktop upstairs that I'd like to get rid of. Rather not buy a wireless printer if I can plug the wired one into the gateway.


Any help appreciated.



Hey Jim,


The USB port on the Gateway is for connecting a computer only IIRC, but you can connect your printer via ethernet if it is a netwok printer. Just follow the directions for your printer for network installation.



How can you be in two places at once, when your not anywhere at all?
I really want to become a procrastinator, but I keep putting it off.
There are three kinds of people, those that can count, and those that can't.
“Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature has made them." :Bertrand Russell



24 Messages

12 years ago

Alas, my printer has no network port, as I found shortly after posting. It appears USB is my only option and you say that won't work. It might be a nice ATT enhancement in the future. Thanks.



10.1K Messages

12 years ago

jlandwehr -
How about a USB to network adapter ? -http://sewelldirect.com/Networking/ComputerComponents/USBDongles



24 Messages

12 years ago

I like the thought of the usb/network adapter, but elsewhere on the web someone mentioned that that would not work, as the printer needs a "print server" add-on type deal in order to interpret the commands of the print request. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.



23.3K Messages

12 years ago

Do e-printers need or have a printer server?



5.9K Messages

12 years ago

@jlandwehr wrote:

I like the thought of the usb/network adapter, but elsewhere on the web someone mentioned that that would not work, as the printer needs a "print server" add-on type deal in order to interpret the commands of the print request. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

They usually only work for basic functions on basic printers only. If you set up the printer on a computer, that computer can then share the printer with the rest of your network as long as the computer is not turned off.



How can you be in two places at once, when your not anywhere at all?
I really want to become a procrastinator, but I keep putting it off.
There are three kinds of people, those that can count, and those that can't.
“Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature has made them." :Bertrand Russell



24 Messages

12 years ago

Hpmsrm and others,


Thanks for all the good advice. As I mentioned originally, I have the printer set up on another machine through a share, which is what I want to get away from. It sound like, short of getting a new router or a wireless printer, both of which I wanted to avoid, my options are limited. Thats what I wanted to find out. 


Thanks for your help all.



24 Messages

12 years ago

Looks more along the lines of what I'd need. I'm a bit wary of the crappy reviews it got, though. Thanks for looking into it more. It's great to have options.

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