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Sreynolds8's profile



3 Messages

Friday, July 28th, 2017 7:53 AM

How can I get customer service to actually help me? My credit is suffering

My saga with ATT began in August of 2016. I moved and tried to arrange to take my internet to my new location. It was all arranged and then I was told there was a $50 activation fee, for equipment I already had in an apartment that was internet ready. How could that be? Not sure but it was going to cost me more to cancel my plan so I acquiesced.

I talked to a rep named Bailey who help set up my activation. Then I get an email saying they need more information from me. I spend an hour out of my day trying to figure out what they need from me only to find out there's nothing they need but it has to be reprocessed. She tells me my new apartment is not internet ready and that it's going to be $100 to have a representative come out. I have spoken to multiple reps at this point who say the opposite. I spend 4 days internet-less, having wasted hours of my time on the phone with different reps.

To get help I try tweeting at ATT. I get in touch with a customer service social media agent. Hours of time on the phone, days later without internet, many canceled appointments and reps saying they came and we weren't home etc and Bernie (the customer service rep) asks what he can do to fix it. I say I would like to cancel without fees and never have to deal with ATT, ever again.

Well, he fulfilled his first promise. But months later I begin getting phone calls from a mystery number. I finally pick up and it's a debt collector on behalf of ATT looking for unreturned equipment. I am perplexed since I have never received mail, phone calls or even an email about it. It's been collecting dust in my house and NO ONE FROM ATT EVER reached out.

I call ATT ask what I have to do to return the equipment, he tells me take it to UPS with my account number. He tells me I have to pay tax on the equipment. I explain to him no one was ever in touch with me about returning it. He says since it was the fault of ATT he will waive it an all I have to do is return it.

I return the equipment, call ATT and give them the confirmation info. I think it's all taken care of. A few more months later I notice my credit score has dropped like a rock. It's the ATT account still. I call the collectors and thy tel me ATT has put a note in that they want me to submit a written request to review my claim.

I call ATT and they say the equipment never made it and they need a tracking number. I Explain repeatedly to multiple reps I don't have one because they send the equipment back in bulk. They say there is nothing they can do, I waste more hours of my life on the phone with ATT trying to get help, to no avail.

So I go to UPS and investigate, get the tracking number my equipment should have been on. I call ATT but low and behold the story has changed. Turns out the equipment was returned just fine. Now they want me to pay because I didn't return the equipment quickly enough. One minute it's missing but when I find the tracking number, suddenly it's found and there is a new reason I have to pay. I try to get help on twitter again only to be asked for the same information over and over again.

Long story short because of lack of communication on your end, both between your reps and you to your customers my credit score has been ruined. It has been the most singularly negative customer service experience I have ever had and it has lasted a year! I can't get the loans I need because my credit score has dropped 50 points, I've spent hours and days trying to sort this and have had absolutely no one able to help me. Do the right thing and clear my account and this issue up. I returned the equipment as soon as I was asked, went out of my way to provide the info you needed and still got screwed over. Someone, for the love of god, help me.

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

7 years ago


Send a Private Message to ATTCares  Include all pertinent information.  Watch the white envelope at the upper right of this page for a reply.  Give it 3-4 business days.











1 Message

7 years ago

Good luck hun. My husband and I have been with att mobile almost 2 years now, direct tv(supposedly uverse tv) who knows, uverse internet. changed after comcast now xfinity wifi for 13 years. Biggest mistake made. I asked for the best internet package they have due to working from my home office as a nurse. Initially, it was ok, speed not that great until 3 months later, they just up and changed it to internet 18. Big waste of money and time. They changed my original package from business internet to internet 18. They obviously was under suspicions that I wouldn't notice, but having a degree in computer software, I was very aware of whats going on. I have home phone with att and seperate fax line as well. I was going to be getting all these incentives and 400$ in visas. Well, sad to say that was untrue as well. We initiated with uverse in oct 2106. By December, we had paid over 700. Att is all about profit from clients. You try and get help, but unable to email and "chat reps" are very friendly but do not have a clue. When you phone in, Im lucky to get someone that can speak good english, no offense to the reps. Im sure they are underpaid but we are very country here in MS therefore when I do speak with someone, your rerouted or made to call a seperate number and so on. You never get an answer but "you have an outage". Its a joke, seriously. And sad to say, when going into the store, they know less than anyone to whats going on and half the time the reps in the store are limited to access your info. After signing with everything att has to offer, my husband and I, just the 2 of us are paying over 500$ for everything. And I sure wouldnt complain if I could open my pc and work just to do 2hrs worth of payroĺl. Now it takes me all day, therefore I have to drive over an hour to my home office. We even bought a brand new dell desktop and pc and nothing has changed. We have invested so much. Even got an agent to come out to inspect and wanted to charge us EVEN WHEN WE HAVE THE 25$PROTECTION PLAN. That covers all house calls and repairs. Needless to say, the agent took off with my 25$ wireless mouse. Att stated they would credit my account. Well you know the verdict there. Still nothing. Thats been 2months ago. Nevertheless, had to go buy a new one. In my filing cabinet here at home, its sad to say that I have 3 folders strickly att copies of everything from letters written, chat sessions, printed bills, and ect from a-z. I had to move it to a seperate location because I was running out of room. Im so sorry this is happening to you. They will say the same as well, but nothing gets done. I should have read the rating prior to signing a contract. You can look it up. Att has about 40% highest complaint ratings.All other carriers at around 5, 10, 15%. Just know you are not alone in this. A few months ago, they scammed an 80 yr old mad. He was on memphis news. My heart felt for him. Working as a nurse, geriatrics is my heart, and its one thing to get over on myself at 40 yrs but to do these things to the elder is just negligent, unethical, and just plain pitiful if you ask me. If att would focus more on their customers, being honest and standing true to what they say they promise, their 40% rating might go down. The only good quality I have received and the only one is just better coverage. THATS IT. No wonder they are needing so many new customer service agents and reps. No pay and probably tired of continous complaints. Good luck to you and I hope you may have better luck than we have had... Thanks kindly

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 years ago

Hello @Sreynolds8,

I am sorry to hear about your experiences with returning the equipment and getting the charges.  It will be my pleasure to help!

Can you please send me a private message to @ATTCare.  Within the message please include your full name, account number you had with us, and any additional information you wish to share. 

Have a great day!

Katie, AT&T Community Specialist  



3 Messages

7 years ago


I contacted ATT cares privately and have yet to receive a response
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