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DrakeSilvos's profile



15 Messages

Thursday, June 20th, 2019 2:20 AM

Intermittent latency spikes

Hi so I talked to support Monday and scheduled a tech visit for earlier today to fix lag spikes that can last as long as 20 seconds and they're still happening. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hi @DrakeSilvos,


Happy to help! Just so we're understand, the lagging started up again after the technician left, correct?


Are you gaming or streaming during the lag spikes? If you are gaming, are the servers you're using located in or outside of the U.S.?


Aminah, AT&T Community Specialist



15 Messages

5 years ago

It's most noticeable while gaming but also happens when I'm not gaming, and the servers are in the US.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago



What speeds do you have? If you don't mind, please send us a screenshot of your speed test. Are you also downloading when you notice the lag spikes?


Aminah, AT&T Community Specialist



5 Messages

5 years ago

I've been having this same/similar problem. I can run the ping utility and watch a very regular pattern of 30ms requests to google.com and then every 30 seconds it spikes up to 1000ms and then quickly back down. The regular pattern is indicative of a definite problem and not just network congestion. The issue is only noticeable while gaming or internet calls e.g. Skype (anything live that relies on extremely low latency). 


Just had a tech out and all they could tell me was everything up to the house was "good." He offered to setup a new modem and router, but told me it wouldn't fix anything so I didn't bother. I'm feeling pretty frustrated that I can't pinpoint the problem. 



15 Messages

5 years ago

Bad ping.jpgspeed test.jpg

2 Attachments



15 Messages

5 years ago

I'm aware that these speeds aren't ideal for gaming but I don't pay the bill and she doesn't really care about upgrading so long as she can browse Facebook. But these speeds work for me when there's not a sudden spike. Also the spike here happened when I was doing nothing, which is usually the case.



15 Messages

5 years ago

This one was just bizarre.
bit of high ping in the time outs.jpg

1 Attachment

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