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Ullsmith's profile



2 Messages

Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 3:21 PM

Internet randomly goes out

Sometimes it happens daily, sometimes it's every other day. Sometimes its once a week. This has been going on for about 2 years.

Things conected to the internet:

1 computer

3 ipads

4 phones

a tv

an xbox one

a ps4




8 Messages

7 years ago

ours went out 3 times yesterday.  i am trying to confirm if the tv service also goes out at the same time.  my sons reboots moden and everything is fine.  we can 1-2 weeks with no issue, then everyday, sometimes 2-3 times a day.  since it often doesn't last long it is difficult getting customer service because by the time they look at it nothing is wrong.



2 Messages

7 years ago

 This happens to me as well and I was able to narrow it down a bit. I know for a fact it's when I am using a lot of bandwidth. As soon as I start a youtube video, the internet disconnects for four or five seconds then re-connects. Sometimes it won't happen at all, other times it happens three times in a row. Netflix, video games, live streaming, downloading things, anything that uses bandwidth will seemingy choke out my connection and it resets. Im just not sure how to start trouble shooting it. It happened awhile back for me too, I wonder if there is something wrong with the modem.


 I only have internet and phone and am using an ARRIS NVG589 modem.



2 Messages

7 years ago

 No one has any advice for these issues? I see this problem all over this forum and it's blowing my mind. If I try to load a picture, it seems the sudden influx of using bandwidth chokes out the modem and it disconects.


 I'm seriously so close to cancelling my ATT service, this is absurd for how much I pay for internet. I can't find answers anywhere or support anywhere.

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