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GoodEyeSnyper's profile



13 Messages

Saturday, May 12th, 2018 7:11 AM

Modem/Router remote accessed by intruder and changed the router firmware. BEWARE ATT CUSTOMERS !!!

Modem/Router remote accessed by intruder and changed the router firmware.  All the desktops/laptops/phones have been used as DDOS zombies, icmp tracking/redirect evidence on every device in my house.  My credit card was stolen.  They are getting live feeds from my computer monitor.  I have had multiple passwords keylogged on various financial websites.  I expected the modem/router forced upon me would at least have a working firewall or a firmware update to fix the security vulnerability that you obviously know about.  Tell me why you are still using this garbage equipment with known and widely exploited problems??  You could at least warn your customers about the issue so they can make up for your crap and set up extra precautions rather than quietly giving out a completely unprotected internet connection and allowing all your customers private/financial information out there for anyone to take.  I bet there are thousands of people using your terrible modem that have been hacked and have absolutely no idea.  After two fresh pc installs trying to get the malware/virus software off my pc the guy was back in within a week.  Even with extra layers of security behind the modem because of your weak link they can easily sidestep or tunnel into the LAN expecially if they have already been in already.  So what do I do?!  Spend hours looking for each time they get back in and close it off or add a million firewall rules for every packet variation that crosses my router.  I do not have the time to spend a couple hours every 2-3 days to keep these mom's basement fappers off my computer.  YOU NEED TO MAKE THIS RIGHT.  IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER YOU WILL MAKE THIS RIGHT.  Better believe I am going to report this anywhere and everywhere I can.  I expect to hear from you very soon.

System log posted below





13 Messages

6 years ago


P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L7 sdb[795]: Loading platform module bcm_bpm
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L7 sdb[795]: Loading platform module pktflow args: fcacheMaxEntries=4096
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L7 sdb[795]: Loading platform module bcmfap
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L7 sdb[795]: Loading platform module bcm_enet
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L6 sdb[795]: SSL CA-root-cert directory is ready.
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L7 sdb[795]: https key/cert pair found.
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L6 sdb[795]: Reset phy on interface eth0
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L6 sdb[795]: Reset phy on interface eth1
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L6 sdb[795]: Reset phy on interface eth2
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L6 sdb[795]: Reset phy on interface eth3
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 L6 sdb[795]: Hardware is 'NVG599'
P0000-00-00T00:00:32 L6 sdb[795]: S/N 233117094043808, SKU 70
P0000-00-00T00:00:32 L5 sdb[795]: System boot process completed
P0000-00-00T00:00:32 L7 sdb[795]: sdb_system (ret 1): /sbin/modprobe dspdd 
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 L7 sdb[795]: sdb_system (ret 1): mknod /dev/bcmendpoint0 c 209 0
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 L5 sdb[795]: VOIP subsystem found
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 L7 sdb[795]: netfilter: redirect object not found. skip prerouting rules
P0000-00-00T00:00:43 L7 sdb[795]: netfilter: redirect object not found. skip prerouting rules
P0000-00-00T00:00:45 L7 sdb[795]: ip6.route[1]: setting state from 'unset' to 'down'
P0000-00-00T00:00:48 L7 sdb[795]: mgmt.lan-redirect: setting state from 'unset' to 'up'
P0000-00-00T00:00:50 L3 sdb[795]: HPNA: subsystem found.
P0000-00-00T00:00:50 L7 sdb[795]: ENSW: Internal Ethernet switch connected via bus_type 3
P0000-00-00T00:00:50 L7 sdb[795]: ENSW: External Ethernet switch connected via bus_type 4
P0000-00-00T00:00:50 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: 2.4GHz 2x2 subsystem found.
P0000-00-00T00:00:50 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: UUID mac d4:04:cd:94:e0:a3
P0000-00-00T00:00:50 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: UUID = 845e29e9-6f72-210c-734c-20cb01854607
P0000-00-00T00:00:51 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Adding interface wl0 portname ssid-1.1
P0000-00-00T00:00:51 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Adding interface wl0.1 portname ssid-1.2
P0000-00-00T00:00:51 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Adding interface wl0.2 portname ssid-1.3
P0000-00-00T00:00:51 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Adding interface wl0.3 portname ssid-1.4
P0000-00-00T00:00:51 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: EOC version d404cd94e0a0 NVG599 922314




13 Messages

6 years ago

P0000-00-00T00:00:51 L7 sdb[795]: enabling vc[1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:52 L7 sdb[795]: starting process /bin/voipexe (pid 1319)
P0000-00-00T00:00:52 L5 sdb[795]: voipexe start returned ret=0 
P0000-00-00T00:00:53 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: 5GHz-11ac 3x3 subsystem found.
P0000-00-00T00:00:53 L6 sdb[795]: setting log level to 5
P0000-00-00T00:00:54 L5 sdb[795]: SYS: loading saved configuration
P0000-00-00T00:00:54 L5 sdb[795]: upgrade account[1] encrypt password: success
P0000-00-00T00:00:54 L5 sdb[795]: upgrade account[2] encrypt password: success
P0000-00-00T00:00:54 L5 sdb[795]: upgrade account[3] encrypt password: success
P0000-00-00T00:00:54 L5 sdb[795]: upgrade account[7] encrypt password: success
P0000-00-00T00:00:55 L3 sdb[795]: AUTOREBOOT: Feature disabled.
P0000-00-00T00:00:57 L3 sdb[795]: External Ethernet switch assumed
P0000-00-00T00:00:58 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Initializing the subsystem
P0000-00-00T00:00:59 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Setting country code to US/73
P0000-00-00T00:01:01 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: EAPD daemon started
P0000-00-00T00:01:01 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: NAS daemon started
P0000-00-00T00:01:01 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: ACS Daemon started
P0000-00-00T00:01:02 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: saved mode: single, media: Unknown
P0000-00-00T00:01:02 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Bonding is disabled
P0000-00-00T00:01:02 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: TPS-TC encoding set to PTM.
P0000-00-00T00:01:03 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Bitswap is ON, SRA is ON
P0000-00-00T00:01:03 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Dying Gasp is OFF
P0000-00-00T00:01:03 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Bitswap is ON, SRA is ON
P0000-00-00T00:01:03 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Dying Gasp is OFF
P0000-00-00T00:01:03 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: DSP version - A2pv6F039m3.d26m
P0000-00-00T00:01:08 L3 sdb[795]: HPNA: Loading the firmware.
P0000-00-00T00:01:09 L5 sdb[795]: conn[1]: interface configured:
P0000-00-00T00:01:10 L3 sdb[795]: ***********start battctl process
P0000-00-00T00:01:10 L3 sdb[795]: Setting sensor 1 Enable to ON, cnt 1
P0000-00-00T00:01:10 L3 sdb[795]: Setting sensor 2 Enable to ON, cnt 2
P0000-00-00T00:01:10 L5 sdb[795]: Alert mode change: Disabled
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: password changed
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: password changed
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: password changed
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: password changed
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: password changed
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: password changed
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: password changed
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: no authorization-delay
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: enable service: http
P0000-00-00T00:01:12 L5 sdb[795]: enable service: https



13 Messages

6 years ago

P0000-00-00T00:01:13 L3 sdb[795]: failed to start process '/bin/pppoe-relay' - No such file or directory
P0000-00-00T00:01:13 L5 sdb[795]: DPI: Deep Packet Inspection disabled
P0000-00-00T00:01:15 L5 sdb[795]: dnsmasq started 2211
P0000-00-00T00:01:15 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: ACS autochannel started
P0000-00-00T00:01:15 L3 sdb[795]: HPNA: Failed loading HPNA firmware (3s)
P0000-00-00T00:01:15 L3 supp1x[1884]: mot_supp_setup_from_sdb SDB_DEST_BCAST_PATH error
P0000-00-00T00:01:15 L3 supp1x[1884]: Supplicant, setup from SDB returned error
P0000-00-00T00:01:15 L3 vosdb[1319]: ********** Starting VOIP Tasks *************
P0000-00-00T00:01:17 L3 battctl[1976]: BATTERY: mcu revision number: 0208
P0000-00-00T00:01:20 L5 sdb[795]: HPNA: Firmware loaded (4s)
P0000-00-00T00:01:22 L3 sdb[795]: HPNA: Number of stations 1
P0000-00-00T00:01:25 L3 sdb[795]: dns_lan_redirect_notify: DOWN - restart proxy
P0000-00-00T00:01:25 L5 sdb[795]: database initialized
P0000-00-00T00:01:25 L5 sdb[795]: Change in firmware version detected from 9.2.2h2d24 to 9.2.2h3d14
P0000-00-00T00:01:26 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port wl_hd is UP. (eth4) speed 1000 duplex full
P0000-00-00T00:01:26 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port lan-2 is UP. (eth1) speed 1000 duplex full
P0000-00-00T00:01:26 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port lan-3 is UP. (eth2) speed 100 duplex full
P0000-00-00T00:01:26 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port lan-1 is UP. (eth0) speed 100 duplex full
P0000-00-00T00:01:26 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port hpna is UP. (eth5) speed 200 duplex full
P0000-00-00T00:01:27 L3 battctl[1976]: BATTERY: battery not detected
P0000-00-00T00:01:27 L3 battctl[1976]: ipc_msgq_send() with error 2:No such file or directory message size 96
P0000-00-00T00:01:31 L5 sdb[795]: dnsmasq started 2762
P0000-00-00T00:01:33 L3 vosdb[1319]: VOIP: Number of voice channel 2
P0000-00-00T00:01:33 L3 vosdb[1319]: VOIP: Device Zarlink ZL88702
P0000-00-00T00:01:33 L3 vosdb[1319]: VOIP: DSP build date N/A
P0000-00-00T00:01:33 L3 vosdb[1319]: VOIP: Zarlink API version 2.24.0
P0000-00-00T00:01:35 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 1
P0000-00-00T00:01:36 L3 dslstarth[1591]: DSL: Start line 1
P0000-00-00T00:02:00 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Mode VDSL2 (PTM)
P0000-00-00T00:02:00 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Sync Rate in kbps D/S 0 U/S 0
P0000-00-00T00:02:00 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Latency path Interleaved
P0000-00-00T00:02:00 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Trellis D/S:ON U/S:ON
P0000-00-00T00:02:00 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: CO Vendor b5004244434da4ee
P0000-00-00T00:02:00 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: VDSL profile 17a
P0000-00-00T00:02:00 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Link showtime counter since boot 1
P0000-00-00T00:02:00 L3 sdb[795]: DSL: Retrain Reason System Startup
P0000-00-00T00:02:17 L5 sdb[795]: conn[2]: starting dhcpcd. Broadcasting for a lease
P0000-00-00T00:02:18 L5 sdb[795]: WAN: Using 802.1x Authenticator's MAC address (00:90:d0:63:ff:01) to determine WAN port
P0000-00-00T00:02:18 L5 sdb[795]: WAN: auto detection using "ptm0.0" (bridge port 1)
P0000-00-00T00:02:18 L5 sdb[795]: WAN: mcp to use interface ptm0.0 (mcfwd_upstream_if=21)
P0000-00-00T00:02:18 L5 sdb[795]: WAN: auto detection finished, active port is "ptm"
P0000-00-00T00:02:20 L3 dhcp6c[3747]: main: client6_init success
P0000-00-00T00:02:20 L3 dhcp6c[3747]: main: cfparse success
P0000-00-00T00:02:20 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_start: client6_start: adding event DHCP6S_INIT



13 Messages

6 years ago

P0000-00-00T00:02:21 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send_confirm: Sending CONFIRM
P0000-00-00T00:02:21 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: dhcp6c_build_cached_ia_list: Building cached IA_NA and IA_PD list for CONFIRM

P0000-00-00T00:02:21 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: confirm_cached_ia: Creating CONFIRM event
P0000-00-00T00:02:21 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: transmit failed: Cannot assign requested address
P0000-00-00T00:02:21 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: transmit failed: Cannot assign requested address
P0000-00-00T00:02:22 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: transmit failed: Cannot assign requested address
P0000-00-00T00:02:24 L5 dhcp6c[3772]: ifaddrconf: failed to remove an address on br2: Cannot assign requested address
P0000-00-00T00:02:24 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send_solicit: Sending SOLICIT
P0000-00-00T00:02:24 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
P0000-00-00T00:02:25 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
P0000-00-00T00:02:27 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
P0000-00-00T00:02:29 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
P0000-00-00T00:02:29 L5 connh[4069]: conn[2]: Received event BOUND from DHCP client
P0000-00-00T00:02:29 L5 connh[4069]: conn[2] DHCP lease from ip= leasetime=1209600 domain= dns1= dns2= gw=
P0000-00-00T00:02:29 L5 sdb[795]: conn[2]: interface configured:
P0000-00-00T00:02:30 L5 cwmp[2131]: DSLF_WanMgmtChg path[conn[2].ipaddr] val[]
P0000-00-00T00:02:30 L3 cwmp[2131]: DSLF_WANIPChgProc 2
P0000-00-00T00:02:31 L5 mcp[4108]: mcp: mcfwd_upstream_if already set to: 21

P0000-00-00T00:02:34 L5 sdb[795]: dnsmasq started 4295
P0000-00-00T00:02:34 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
P0000-00-00T00:02:34 L5 ntph[4308]: NTP Server check delayed for all NTP servers
P0000-00-00T00:02:34 L5 ntph[4308]: NTP: waiting for 60 secs...
P0000-00-00T00:02:38 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
2018-05-10T03:40:11-05:00 L1 ntph[4576]: NTP result to server is 0
2018-05-10T03:40:13-05:00 L1 ntph[4576]: Old time = 159, new time = 1525941613
2018-05-10T03:40:13-05:00 L5 ntph[4576]: Update system date & time from NTP server
2018-05-10T03:40:13-05:00 L5 ntph[4576]: NTP: waiting for 86400 secs...
2018-05-10T03:40:15-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: next Periodic Inform after 17577 s
2018-05-10T03:40:16-05:00 L4 cwmp[2131]: Resolving ACS URL - Retry 0
2018-05-10T03:40:18-05:00 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
2018-05-10T03:40:18-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: (SSL) Connect Success: cwmp.c01.sbcglobal.net
2018-05-10T03:40:18-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: (SSL) Certificate Verify Success: cwmp.c01.sbcglobal.net
2018-05-10T03:40:26-05:00 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
2018-05-10T03:40:33-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post Inform - reason 1 BOOT 7 TRANSFER COMPLETE M Download 
2018-05-10T03:40:34-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Server auth challenge received
2018-05-10T03:40:34-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive InformResponse
2018-05-10T03:40:34-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post TransferComplete
2018-05-10T03:40:34-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive TransferCompleteResponse
2018-05-10T03:40:34-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post 0
2018-05-10T03:40:34-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive GetParameterValues
2018-05-10T03:40:34-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 698)
2018-05-10T03:40:34-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 0)
2018-05-10T03:40:35-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive GetParameterValues
2018-05-10T03:40:36-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 6335)
2018-05-10T03:40:36-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 0)
2018-05-10T03:40:36-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive SetParameterValues
2018-05-10T03:40:36-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post SetParameterValuesResponse
2018-05-10T03:40:36-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Closing connection on HTTP 204
2018-05-10T03:40:36-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: (SSL) Closing Connection: cwmp.c01.sbcglobal.net



13 Messages

6 years ago

2018-05-10T03:40:42-05:00 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
2018-05-10T03:40:59-05:00 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
2018-05-10T03:41:31-05:00 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send: Solicit message doesn't contain IA option, ignore
2018-05-10T03:41:52-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: IPv6: conn[1].autoconf.dhcpc IA-PD lease failed (2600:1700:3af0:bb90::), deleting from pool
2018-05-10T03:41:52-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: IPv6: conn[1].autoconf.dhcpc IA_NA lease failed (2001:506:73af:be9::1), bring down conn
2018-05-10T03:41:52-05:00 L3 dhcp6c[3772]: client6_send_solicit: Sending SOLICIT
2018-05-10T03:53:14-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T04:12:11-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T04:49:29-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T04:54:08-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T05:00:49-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T05:14:27-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T05:19:18-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T05:21:56-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T05:24:11-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T05:39:20-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T06:23:58-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 2
2018-05-10T06:26:27-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 2
2018-05-10T06:29:28-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 2
2018-05-10T06:35:16-05:00 L3 dnsmasq[4295]: no responses from nameserver ''
2018-05-10T06:35:16-05:00 L3 dnsmasq[4295]: nameserver '' is now responding
2018-05-10T06:35:17-05:00 L4 mcp[4108]: mcp[handle_igmpv2_leave_msg]: missing expected data rep=0xC0A8014F grp=0xE00000FB

2018-05-10T06:37:30-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 2
2018-05-10T08:33:12-05:00 L4 cwmp[2131]: Resolving ACS URL - Retry 0
2018-05-10T08:33:12-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: (SSL) Connect Success: cwmp.c01.sbcglobal.net
2018-05-10T08:33:12-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: (SSL) Certificate Verify Success: cwmp.c01.sbcglobal.net
2018-05-10T08:33:20-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post Inform - reason 2 PERIODIC 
2018-05-10T08:33:20-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive InformResponse
2018-05-10T08:33:20-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post 0
2018-05-10T08:33:20-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: next Periodic Inform after 86392 s
2018-05-10T08:33:20-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive GetParameterValues
2018-05-10T08:33:20-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 698)
2018-05-10T08:33:20-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 0)
2018-05-10T08:33:20-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive GetParameterValues
2018-05-10T08:33:21-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 6335)
2018-05-10T08:33:21-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 0)
2018-05-10T08:33:21-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive SetParameterValues
2018-05-10T08:33:21-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post SetParameterValuesResponse
2018-05-10T08:33:21-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive GetParameterValues
2018-05-10T08:33:23-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10316)
2018-05-10T08:33:23-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10288)
2018-05-10T08:33:23-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10281)
2018-05-10T08:33:24-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10333)
2018-05-10T08:33:24-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10289)
2018-05-10T08:33:24-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10431)
2018-05-10T08:33:24-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10317)
2018-05-10T08:33:24-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10248)
2018-05-10T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10424)
2018-05-10T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10299)
2018-05-10T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10346)
2018-05-10T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10341)
2018-05-10T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10309)
2018-05-10T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10276)
2018-05-10T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10437)
2018-05-10T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10442)
2018-05-10T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10320)
2018-05-10T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10394)
2018-05-10T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10242)
2018-05-10T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10321)
2018-05-10T08:33:27-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10419)
2018-05-10T08:33:27-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10247)
2018-05-10T08:33:27-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10322)
2018-05-10T08:33:27-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 10462)
2018-05-10T08:33:27-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 3220)
2018-05-10T08:33:27-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 0)
2018-05-10T08:33:27-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Closing connection on HTTP 204
2018-05-10T08:33:27-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: (SSL) Closing Connection: cwmp.c01.sbcglobal.net
2018-05-10T13:22:07-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 2
2018-05-10T16:18:42-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 2
2018-05-10T17:00:46-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 2
2018-05-10T17:03:46-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 2
2018-05-10T17:06:48-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port lan-3 (eth2) is DOWN
2018-05-10T17:06:52-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port lan-3 is UP. (eth2) speed 10 duplex full
2018-05-10T17:06:52-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port lan-3 (eth2) is DOWN
2018-05-10T17:06:57-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port lan-3 is UP. (eth2) speed 1000 duplex full
2018-05-10T17:07:09-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port lan-3 (eth2) is DOWN
2018-05-10T17:07:13-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: ELAN: Port lan-3 is UP. (eth2) speed 1000 duplex full
2018-05-10T17:24:05-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 4
2018-05-10T17:24:07-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T18:03:59-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T18:13:03-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T18:46:11-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 4
2018-05-10T18:52:54-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T19:04:29-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-10T22:50:23-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 4
2018-05-10T23:37:37-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 4
2018-05-11T00:06:38-05:00 L4 webasp[31141]: Successful login from Remote IP Address port 54939 Username vikcmwhxgxbizb
2018-05-11T03:40:13-05:00 L1 ntph[4576]: NTP result to server is 0
2018-05-11T03:40:15-05:00 L1 ntph[4576]: Old time = 1526028013, new time = 1526028015
2018-05-11T03:40:15-05:00 L5 ntph[4576]: Update system date & time from NTP server
2018-05-11T03:40:15-05:00 L5 ntph[4576]: NTP: waiting for 86400 secs...
2018-05-11T04:38:46-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 4
2018-05-11T05:13:36-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T08:33:13-05:00 L4 cwmp[2131]: Resolving ACS URL - Retry 0
2018-05-11T08:33:13-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: (SSL) Connect Success: cwmp.c01.sbcglobal.net
2018-05-11T08:33:13-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: (SSL) Certificate Verify Success: cwmp.c01.sbcglobal.net
2018-05-11T08:33:24-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post Inform - reason 2 PERIODIC 
2018-05-11T08:33:24-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive InformResponse
2018-05-11T08:33:24-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post 0
2018-05-11T08:33:24-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: next Periodic Inform after 86388 s
2018-05-11T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive GetParameterValues
2018-05-11T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 698)
2018-05-11T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 0)
2018-05-11T08:33:25-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive GetParameterValues
2018-05-11T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 6335)
2018-05-11T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Continue GetParameterValuesResponse (chunk-length - 0)
2018-05-11T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Receive SetParameterValues
2018-05-11T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Post SetParameterValuesResponse
2018-05-11T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: Closing connection on HTTP 204
2018-05-11T08:33:26-05:00 L5 cwmp[2131]: (SSL) Closing Connection: cwmp.c01.sbcglobal.net
2018-05-11T08:47:46-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T08:59:24-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T09:02:53-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T09:37:59-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T09:47:00-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T09:48:39-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T09:49:56-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T10:12:06-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T10:18:29-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T11:24:29-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T13:20:30-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T13:22:35-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 4
2018-05-11T13:43:43-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T14:06:47-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T17:50:56-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-11T19:24:22-05:00 L4 mcp[4108]: mcp[handle_igmpv2_leave_msg]: missing expected data rep=0xC0A8015A grp=0xE00000FB

2018-05-11T19:34:20-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 5
2018-05-11T19:35:21-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 5
2018-05-11T20:34:36-05:00 L3 dnsmasq[4295]: no responses from nameserver ''
2018-05-11T20:34:36-05:00 L3 dnsmasq[4295]: nameserver '' is now responding
2018-05-11T23:27:55-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 5
2018-05-11T23:35:18-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 4
2018-05-11T23:35:36-05:00 L3 dnsmasq[4295]: no responses from nameserver ''
2018-05-11T23:35:36-05:00 L3 dnsmasq[4295]: nameserver '' is now responding
2018-05-11T23:53:22-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 4
2018-05-12T00:28:15-05:00 L3 sdb[795]: Wi-Fi: Number of clients associated on 2.4GHz radio 3
2018-05-12T00:47:49-05:00 L5 lua_webui[15498]: web login success




13 Messages

6 years ago

At least everyone can see what it looks like now.



15K Messages

6 years ago

Post your stuff over in the att dslreports forum.  Since there's a number of router experts over there I would be curious what their reaction is your post.

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