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2 Messages

Monday, September 10th, 2018 12:00 AM

Problems with Netgear model 7550

Hi, I’m having some annoying and frustrating problems with my router that my family bought from att about 2 years ago. We bought it in hopes that the internet speed would be better but it didn’t change a thing. Now for about a few month our router has been acting up and not connecting to the internet. All the lights would be green but nothing would change our problem. Restarting the router would let it work for about 30 minutes but once somebody got on the internet it would fail again. I had ideas on maybe it being that there were too many devices connected at once but after testing the same problem would occur even with just one device connected. My father and his girlfriend both require to have internet to do their jobs and I like to play video games with my friends on my PS4 Pro every once in a while, but because of this problem we aren’t able to get things done. I would really appreciate a response if you have an idea on how to fix it. And maybe if possible we could get a different router because my family is starting to get fed up with this and I don’t want them having to go through the process of finding a different service plan with another company. 



2 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I don’t think that’s the problem. When it works it works relatively fine but the problem is that it won’t connect to the internet even though it says that everything is fine. We pay what we need to pay but it doesn’t change anything. If you think we should have to buy another router than I guess we’ll just have to do it, but is there other routers that att offers? I would not like to have the same router again with the chances of this happening again



1 Message

6 years ago

I would love to know the answer to that too. It’s the only one they use. I asked the last tech guy that came to our house if there was another modem/router and he said you can buy a router and like bridge it from your modem but don’t get an exspensive one because we only have dsl6.0.  And we don’t need that much power because all we get is what At&t gives us. Or he said if spectrum was out this way our house then to switch.  I’m still researching what’s the best thing to do I just need it to quit dropping singnal and to recognize my iPad that it has previously recognized 5 minutesbefore. Also I would like to be able to have more than 3 devices using it.  Every month or every other month I give At$t a call and spend usually a total of 2 hours being transferred around until diet somethat changes a setting and then I have worse signal and I just go back to the way things are. Until something important is going on or I feelike I’m in an unsafe situation like no cell signal and no Wifi signal. Equals no phone. I don’t like that.  Since I have no choice but to have att I’m just going to get a better router learn more about it hope for the best. Good luck yall

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