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1 Message

Thursday, May 30th, 2019 5:21 AM

Router: wrong SSID, wrong IP, hacked or account problem?

Att UVerse 200 DSL

About 2 weeks internet connectivity starts dropping - skips a beat, so to speak on any device.  This is after the power had gone out, btw.  


Go into router menu and what do I see?  - a completely different interface & different SSID. Moreover, the device access code on the side of the router does not work.  The web interface claims it is a different model from my NVG 599.  A menu for a BGW 210 router appears, complete with picture at device access code page.  The access code on side of my modem will not work on it.  To add to the weirdness, sometimes my SSID would broadcast alongside of the phantom SSID.  This phantom SSID/router has different names and passwords showing that I have never in my life seen before.  Reset & hard reset - problem comes back.  The phantom router appears intermittently.  My devices usually remain connected to the correct SSID, wired or wireless, but internet connectivity drops momentarily.  (also channels freeze - been going on for a long time)


Call tech support, can't quite understand them; pretty sure they cant understand my problem. They send a new router to me, a 5268AC.  Same thing occurs.  Reset & hard reset.  Call tech support.  Tech comes out.  We test the IP address with lots of different devices, one at a time; iPhones, iPads, PC desktops, Pc desktops, wired, wireless, etc.  And he sees this different interface too.  And intermittently it returns to the correct 5268 one.  Cannot figure out what is going on.  Suggests switching to new fiber optic service will solve problem, whole different system.


Yesterday they installed fiber.  Everything working well on the 5268.  Today I had to power down the fiber optic interface & router to move them.  Upon powering back on, guess what - phantom interface & SSID is back intermittently. 

I've run virus scans, etc. - nothing seems out of place except the phantom interface, ssid and occasional connectivity drops.  I know lots of people are fed up by the time they ask a question on here and I am not trying to throw a tantrum, but for fear of my data safety I basically only have another week I can wait before switching services because this is too weird to trust, however it is occurring.

Below is an example - 2 things to note 1) I covered my info in the correct slide. 2) notice the phantom interface displays an incorrect modem.

Correct interface 1.jpgPhantom interface 1.jpg  

If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it as I'm out of options.

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