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37 Messages

Thursday, May 1st, 2014 5:19 AM

Uverse Picture freezes

We've been having U-verse picture freezing issues lately (FTTP ONT) on all channels SD/HD.


Had a technician come out and he said he did a line check and that it must be the receiver Set Top Box/DVR  (silver colored one). He swapped that out for a new black Motorola receiver and said that should fix it. It didn't.


Problem seems to happen mainly during prime time.


But one question I have is this: There is coax cable from the wall (there is an outlet jack plate but no jack in the hole this coax comes from) to the receiver STB. There is a blue jack in that outlet with nothing plugged in. So, if I connect an ethernet line from that blue jack to the receiver STB do you think that would help? I'll need to see what ethernet TV is available from a source in the house near the RG?


Also, Speedtest by Ookla shows from wifi laptop: Ping 301ms, D/L: .87mbps U/L: 2.03mbps (this is with the MaxTurbo plan.


UVrealtime doesnt show much (FTTP)



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8 Messages

10 years ago

Your ping time is long, your d/l is only .87.  That's very slow for the plan you have.  I have had issues with my iPhones suddenly eating up bandwidth. Even causing some video freezes with my u-verse.  I also had the wireless gateway for my second wireless reciever do the same thing.


if you have iphones give them a hard reset, hold down the home and on/off buttons until it reboots.  Reset your R/G by unplugging the power cord and waiting 10 seconds, then power up.  You can also turn off any other wireless devices and unplug any network cables plugged into your ports.  This will help you troubleshoot the issue.


Also, your screen shots show the modem software as "gathering data". You may want to let the software finish gathering data and re-posting your screens shots.

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