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1 Message

Sunday, July 16th, 2017 7:41 PM

Very slow downstream with DD-WRT in DMZ Plus on 5268ac

I am using DD-WRT build 21061 (2.4 stable) connected to a Pace 5268ac modem in DMZ Plus mode. When connected in this fashion, my downstream is ruined, averaging about 5Mbps with lots of stops and starts. Downloading anything is almost impossible. The upstream connection is fine, pegging at 20Mbps. If I plug directly into the Pace modem, my downstream is fine at 100Mbps. These symptoms are displayed over both Ethernet and wireless connections.


I have disabled the wireless functions of the 5268ac.


I do not have QoS enabled on DD-WRT.


The router is a TP-Link TL-WDR3600 gigabit router. It's brand new and quite beefy, with a 560mhz Atheros AR9344 processor, 8MB flash, 128MB RAM.


My service is so-called "Internet 100" with two bonded DSL channels @ 50Mbps down/10Mbps up. I am less than 500 wire-feet from the node. All if the wiring is new twisted pair, and the junction at the pole was re-done before my eyes during installation. Neither pair is "tapped", both pairs are connected solely to the node on one and and my equipment on the other.


If I connect the router to my existing Comcast service, everything works as expected, so there is some kind of communication issue between the 5268ac and DD-WRT.


I was told that my router would "work fine" and "just plug and play" with my service. This is far from the case. I do not wish to rely on the 5268ac for my LAN and DHCP functionality.


Has anyone had similar problems? Any suggested troubleshooting tips? Could this be an MTU size issue? If so, where should I change it?




2.2K Messages

7 years ago


Unless you have specific requirements, don't use DMZ on the 5268ac. Here are three recommendations:

  1. Disable IPv6 on your AT&T provided router/gateway - IPv6 is enabled by default and can cause a slow network and other communication issues
  2. Change the Ethernet port configuration for each port you are using on your AT&T provided router/gateway from Auto-detect to 100BaseT/Full Duplex - This will eliminate auto-negotiation incompatibilities
  3. Use Google DNS ( and on your devices (PCs, laptops, routers, tablets, and so on) but retain DHCP



2 Messages

6 years ago

Have you guys fixed this issue? I'm facing this issue now. I have the gigabit internet as well. I tried different combinations and everytime, the dmzplus mode drops the speed to 50mbps down and ~200mbps up. I've tried all suggested workarounds (ipv6 disabled, wireless turned off, auto-detect to 100Base and back to auto-detect). All this didn't do any good.


I tried doing this with my mac and my nighthawk router like this:

 - Mac-Nighthawk-Pace (with Nighthawk as DMZ) = no good

 - Mac-Pace (with Mac as DMZ) = no good

 - Mac-Nighthawk-Pace (no DMZ) = I get gigabit speeds

 - Mac-Pace (no DMZ) = I get gigabit speeds

Something is off with Pace DMZ+ mode that causes the internet speed to slow down to just ~50mbps.



4 Messages

6 years ago

I agree with this.  I had purchased an Orbi system and thought the latest firmware update that NetGear pushed cause the slow speeds.  I went so far as to return it and discovered the DMZ was the reason my speed dropped from 900/900 to 50/400.  It's such a weird drop.  All of my testing shows it to be a Pace 5268ac issue.  


I argued with ATT support for an hour or so and now they're sending a technician.  We'll see what they figure out.  


Personally, it looks like a firmware thing



12 Messages

6 years ago

What did you find out?  I am having the exact same issue.



4 Messages

6 years ago

The issue is with the DMZ. It is a firmware issue and will have to be addressed at the ATT level. I scheduled a service call and then canceled it because I knew it would be a waste because no matter how many boxes were swapped, if the firmware matches, the dmz wont work.

To get around, I just poked holes in the 5268AC and continued using my router normally. Technically it’s a double NAT which I’m not cool with, but that’s how I’m able to use it a get the speeds I’m paying for.

I played around with the port rules and created a custom sevice that forwarded udp/tcp port 1-65000 to my router, basically creating a DMZ rule. I got an error about forwarding a reserved port so I’m going to tweak it, but I haven’t had time. Since I have it working, I’m less concerned now.

It’s frustrating that it doesn’t work in pass through mode.



12 Messages

6 years ago

It’s strange because mine worked fine in DMZ mode for over a year and then all of a sudden it started capping me to 50 Mb/s. ATT swapped the gateway and the new one worked at line speed in DMZ mode for about a day, then started exhibiting the same problem. It’s almost like the old firmware works, so I’m thinking my original gateway was updated which caused the issue. Then the new gateway arrived with old firmware, so it worked fine for a day, then I’m thinking they pushed a firmware update to it which caused the same problem.

What firmware match are you referring to? Are you saying it’s a specific version of firmware that’s causing the problem? I have a tech scheduled for tomorrow, and while I’m not convinced he’ll be able to fix the issue, I am holding out hope that he might be able to try something other than rebooting the modem and updating the firmware, which is all ATT support seems to know how to do.



4 Messages

6 years ago

This is what I’m working with. If you get an older firmware that works, post it and we can try to request the old code or at least continue to point it out to ATT. It’s outrageous that we’re paying for gig speed but are throttled when using the ATT box a a pass through.

I don’t remember if I had tested my speed before or after the DMZ config prior to this last week or so.

Pace Plc

Hardware Version
Software Version



1 Message

6 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issues as the others in this thread from October-November 2018. I've had 1000 Gigabit fiber for just about a year, and up until October or so it was working fine with a third party router designated as DMZplus. Last week I noticed some applications running sluggishly. A speed test revealed that I went from 700+ both ways on average to about 50 up/150 down. Nothing changed with my hardware or setup. 

So I thought maybe my router was shot, and I kinda wanted to get a new setup anyway, so I replaced all of my networking equipment yesterday. New router, switch, cat 6 cables everywhere. Same result. A computer connected directly to the modem worked fine, so I figured it had to be my networking equipment -- but it wasn't.  

Finally after spending a few hours last night and all day today digging, I found a YouTube video that had some comments where people had success improving speeds through the 5268AC modem by taking their router off DMZplus and placing it behind the modem's firewall, and lo and behold, they're right. Speeds back to 700+ symmetrical, through my router.


But I have some stuff that requires external access running on my network, so the firewall is unacceptable. I added exceptions for ports 1-51000 and 51110-65535 to a user defined "application" called "Everything". As deanobravo stated earlier in this thread the modem won't let you assign pinholes around 51001-51005 (presumably the ports AT&T use to communicate with the router), and I don't think anything I run is in that range, so I left that gap in there. 

A firmware update run on the modem automatically is the only explanation as to why this suddenly broke. And along with the others here, I find it very, very frustrating that AT&T's engineers didn't catch this problem before pushing the firmware out to everyone arbitrarily degrading the service they pay for. It feels an extra slap in the face to me because I spent money on new networking equipment I didn't *really* need, and it just so happens to be a year since I signed up, so the promotion I signed up with expired and my monthly bill went up $10. And I'm fine with that -- as long as I get the service I'm actually paying for. 

Fix this, AT&T, and *tell us* when you do so I can get rid of the workaround. 



12 Messages

6 years ago

I ended up having AT&T switch me to a different modem and that seems to have solved the problem so far.



4 Messages

6 years ago

What hardware and firmware versions are you running?
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