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New Member


1 Message

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020 12:06 AM

what is ID&PW of gateway with CDS-9010


I received a new router/modem cds-9010 and no problem to access wifi with giving information.

But I need to access gateway though. there is no information about it.

please, let me know the userid / password -not SSID and Wifi access pwd, for a router. 

I need to change SSID and wifi access password. 

send me to my email address.


Former Employee


32.9K Messages

4 years ago

It’s on a sticker on your modem 

New Member


1 Message

3 years ago

I'm unable to access dataremote cds-9010 configuration user id and password on bottom failed 

New Member


1 Message

3 years ago

Nope,it's not on the bottom.I would like to know this as well.



3 Messages

3 years ago

Its not on a sticker on the bottom, and I too need to change the wifi SSID and PW to coincide with out office wifi.

New Member


1 Message

3 years ago

Any answer to the this question?



3 Messages

3 years ago

Same issue.

New Member


1 Message

2 years ago

I also need to change the SSID and password.  Is there any ATT rept that can either explain why we can not do this or provide access to the CDS9010 config page.

ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

2 years ago

Even though the FCC entry for this device says there's a label on the bottom of the unit with the password, apparently AT&T chose not to provide it on units they distribute.

You're supposed to contact AT&T to get the password but if you do I foresee hours of wasted time and immense frustration. 

I've found some references to devices from the same company.  One says to use admin and Password1.  Another, for the CDS9070, says to use driadmin and DRIAdmin1.  Give those a try but based on the label thing, I suspect AT&T also did not use the defaults.

New Member


1 Message

2 years ago

AT&T says for security reasons they do not give out the ID or Pword!!!

So I am packing it up and sending it back.

New Member


2 Messages

2 years ago

ATT will not release login credentials for this device. Had I known this, I would not have taken possession of 8 of them. This is so ridiculous! No wonder why AT&T is giving them away. Nobody wants something they need to send a helpdesk ticket into just to change the password or SSID! C'Mon AT&T, DO better! I will stick with my Nighthawks for our business.

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