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C21Repaircoordinator's profile

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5 Messages

Friday, July 14th, 2023 5:19 PM

Your box caught my tenants fence on fire

Your box caught a fence that lines up with 4 properties on fire. ATT sent out a tech and stated that this is not on ATT because there was no explanation. This sounds so ridiculous clearly from the fire report and the picture this was a fire that happened internally inside your split box. Tech stated there were not enough volts to cause a fire there for ATT is not at fault  I have a few questions I need answers.

How old was that box?

Was that box properly grounded?

You need 65 volts to provide phone/internet service this amount can cause a spark that can result in a fire or am I wrong?

Was the cause if the fire due to high heat temps? This may have caused the 2 lines to go phase to phase or phase to ground resulting in the fire?

Clearly the fire was internal and not exterior caused so how is this going to be resolved ? This is a safety concern for all 4 properties not only are they exposed but the fact that this caused a fire luckily the tree next to the box and the home itself didn't catch fire.

I need someone to respond within the next 24 hours [email scrubbed] 

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

1 year ago

Was the equipment within the designated UTILITY EASEMENT?

Have you contacted the local authorities to ask about the location of said UTILITY EASEMENT?

Was the fence built within that UTILITY EASEMENT?

Former Employee


32.9K Messages

1 year ago

A picture of the box would help 

New Member


5 Messages

1 year ago

I am too sure about that but I will look into it thank you!

All in know is that the box was in the backyard in a corner of one of the properties. ATT came out and dug up all the lines due to the fact that the full block was without service. It took them a week but now the service is back on. 

New Member


5 Messages

1 year ago

Well there not much of a box left just exposed wire.

New Member


5 Messages

1 year ago

I can only upload one by one sorry hope this is better
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